Liu Jo

Bluemarine Fine Jewelry is born

After rebirth, a new life. Which also passes through the world of jewelry. The strategy of Marco Marchi, founder of the fashion holding Eccellenze Italiane and owner since November 2019 of the Bluemarine brand is clear. Rehabilitate the company, including through a painful restructuring, to relaunch it also by expanding its field of action. Objective (war and geopolitical jolts permitting): to get the Eccellenze Italiane listed on the Stock Exchange. In this context, the announcement of the birth of Blumarine Fine Jewelry should be read, in synergy with Bruno Nardelli, CEO of Liu Jo (another brand of the group). In 2008 Nardelli had started to produce Liu Jo branded watches and jewels under license.

Anello in oro rosa 18 carati, zaffiri rosa e diamanti
Anello in oro rosa 18 carati, zaffiri rosa e diamanti

For the first time in its history, Blumarine enters the world of jewelry with a project that will land for the first time in international markets where the brand is particularly appreciated, such as the United States and the Middle East.
Marco Marchi

Marco Marchi
Marco Marchi

Bluemarine was bought by Marchi two years ago, after a period of crisis, sold by the founder Anna Molinari. Marco Marchi founded Liu Jo in 1995 in Carpi (Italy), the historic knitwear district. Blumarine Fine Jewelry is, therefore, a license developed within the group by the company. The first collection, presented on the occasion of Vicenzaoro, has butterflies as its subject. It includes 18k gold jewelry, natural black and white diamonds, pink sapphires and emeralds. It is therefore placed in a medium-high range.

This collection expresses the values ​​of an iconic Made in Italy brand like Blumarine. It will be distributed in international markets from September 2022 and in Italy from 2023.
Bruno Nardelli

Bruno Nardelli
Bruno Nardelli

Bracciale in oro rosa 18 carati, zaffiri rosa e diamanti
Bracciale in oro rosa 18 carati, zaffiri rosa e diamanti

Collana con pendente a farfalla in oro giallo e diamanti
Collana con pendente a farfalla in oro giallo e diamanti
Orecchini a forma di farfalla in oro giallo e diamanti
Orecchini a forma di farfalla in oro giallo e diamanti

Girocollo in oro rosa 18 carati, zaffiri rosa e diamanti
Girocollo in oro rosa 18 carati, zaffiri rosa e diamanti

Liu Jo in Basel with Glamour

Liu Jo Luxury Jewels Collection: at Baselworld, Nardelli Luxury it shows new watches and a collection of jewelry in between glamor and luxury. A little ‘as is the philosophy of the brand that has established itself in the fashion world. So not surprisingly, the collection is called Glamour: the theme is the logo of Liu Jo, recognizable in every piece. The jewels are available in three variants: gold, silver, and gold rose. The collection consists of four lines: Trama (weaving), as its name indicates, is made with the technique of small drillings. In this case the style adopts the circular shape, combined with the classic heart, with logo in crystals. The heart, but with a padlock (and with the key to open it), is at the center line of the Destini, who uses brilliant details for the initials of the logo and a hammered surface. The line Dolceamara, however, relies on a mix of chains with different geometries and volumes, alternating with touches of light: in this case the logo Liu Jo is discreet, place on micro hearts pendants and closures. Finally, the shining star in Hollywood style, to symbolize the power of women, is located in the jewels of the collection Illumina.
Alongside the jewelry, the brand presents new collections of watches. The brand extension was born from the partnership between Liu Jo and Nardelli Luxury, in 2006, thus increasing its offer. A special note concerns precisely the company led by Ceo and Creative Director Bruno Nardelli, who has seen the entrance of the former general manager of Fossil, Stefano Abbati ( -fossil-for-nardelli), which acquired the role of vice president with responsibility for internationalization and trade. The brand extension, in any case, it works: in eight years has sold 3 million of watches and jewelry. In Italy, the brand is present in more than 1,600 retail outlets. “Our presence at Baselworld is part of a structured internationalization strategy that sees the brand collect more interest in the major markets in the wake of the success of the first in Italy and now abroad by Liu Jo,” is the comment of Bruno Nardelli. Giulia Netrese

Stefano Abbati (a sinistra) e Bruno Nardelli.jpg
Stefano Abbati (a sinistra) e Bruno Nardelli.jpg
Orologio Sophie
Orologio Sophie
Bracciale della collezione Destini
Bracciale della collezione Destini
Pendente della collezione Illumina
Pendente della collezione Illumina
Liu Jo catena della linea Dolecamara
Liu Jo catena della linea Dolecamara
Liu Jo, catena della collezione Dolceamara
Liu Jo, catena della collezione Dolceamara
Liu Jo collana
Collana della collezione Trama

Abbati lascia Fossil per Nardelli

Una novità di rilievo nel mondo della gioielleria e del watchmaking: Stefano Abbati, 53 anni, lascia Fossil, di cui era managing director, ed entra nell’azionariato di Nardelli Luxury. L’azienda fondata da Bruno Nardelli ha lanciato il brand di orologi e gioielli Liu Jo Luxury, nato dalla partnership con il brand del fashion Liu Jo.

Abbati ha alle spalle una carriera iniziata in aziende del mass market, come Granarolo e Ferrero. È poi passato in Sector Group e successivamente in Binda Group e Fossil. Abbati affiancherà Nardelli come vice president nella strategia di internazionalizzazione di Liu Jo Luxury e nello sviluppo della licenza a livello globale rafforzando la squadra che vede Salvatore Francavilla direttore generale e Paolo Innocenti direttore vendite.

A sinistra, Stefano Abbati. A destra, Bruno Nardelli
A sinistra, Stefano Abbati. A destra, Bruno Nardelli

«L’entrata in squadra di Stefano Abbati rappresenta un tassello importante nella strategia di consolidamento dell’azienda. Un’azienda che diventa sempre più azienda istituzione grazie alla presenza di manager e oggi all’ingresso di Stefano nell’azionariato. Abbati è un punto di riferimento riconosciuto nel settore dell’orologeria ed è uno dei maggiori conoscitori del mercato delle licenze», è il commento di Nardelli. «Dopo dieci anni in una multinazionale ho sentito il bisogno di cogliere nuove sfide personali e professionali puntando su una realtà unica nel panorama dell’orologeria fashion italiana. Liu Jo Luxury nel mondo della distribuzione del nostro settore è il marchio fashion italiano che più rappresenta la creatività, l’originalità, la fantasia proprie dell’Italian Design. Questa esperienza è maggiormente stimolante perché sento mio il progetto di operare in una realtà imprenditoriale vivace ed in continua crescita», ha aggiunto Abbati. Federico Graglia

Collana della collezione Liu Jo Luxuri Dolceamara
Collana della collezione Liu Jo Luxuri Dolceamara

ukAbbati leaves Fossil to Nardelli

An important news  in the world of jewelery and watchmaking: Stefano Abbati, 53, leaves Fossil, of which he was managing director, and takes a stake in Nardelli Luxury. The company founded by Bruno Nardelli launched the brand of watches and jewelry Liu Jo Luxury, born from the partnership with the fashion brand Liu Jo.

Abbati started a career in companies of mass market, as Granarolo and Ferrero. He then moved in Sector Group and subsequently in Binda Group and Fossil. Abbati will alongside Nardelli as vice president in the internationalization strategy of Liu Jo Luxury and development license globally by strengthening the team that sees Salvatore Francavilla general manager and sales manager Paolo Innocenti.

“The entry into the team of Stefano Abbati is an important element in the strategy of consolidation of the company. A company that becomes increasingly firm establishment thanks to the manager and today at the entrance of Stephen shareholders. Abbati is a recognized landmark in the watch industry and is one of the most knowledgeable of the licensing market,” is the comment of Nardelli. “After ten years in a multinational company, I felt the need to pursue new personal and professional challenges by focusing on a really unique in the Italian fashion watchmaking. Liu Jo Luxury in distribution of our industry is the Italian fashion brand that best represents creativity, originality, imagination own Italian Design. This experience is more challenging because I feel my project to operate in a business enterprise vibrant and growing,” he added Abbati.

france-flagAbbati laisse Fossil pour Nardelli

Une nouvelle importante dans le monde de la bijouterie et de l’horlogerie: Stefano Abbati, 53, laisse Fossil, dont il a été directeur général, et prend une participation dans Nardelli luxe. La société fondée par Bruno Nardelli a lancé la marque de montres et de bijoux Liu Jo Luxe, née de la collaboration avec la marque de mode Liu Jo.

Abbati a commencé une carrière dans des entreprises de marché de masse, comme Granarolo et Ferrero. Il a ensuite déménagé dans le groupe du secteur et par la suite dans Binda Groupe et Fossil. Abbati sera aux côtés Nardelli comme vice-président de la stratégie d’internationalisation de Liu Jo luxe et le développement à l’échelle mondiale par le renforcement de la licence de l’équipe qui voit Salvatore Francavilla directeur général et directeur des ventes Paolo Innocenti.

“L’entrée dans l’équipe de Stefano Abbati est un élément important dans la stratégie de consolidation de la société. Une société qui devient de plus en plus fermes établissement grâce à la gestionnaire et aujourd’hui à l’entrée des actionnaires Stephen. Abbati est un point de repère reconnu dans la montre l’industrie et est l’un des plus compétents du marché des licences”, est le commentaire de Nardelli. “Après dix ans dans une multinationale, je ai senti la nécessité de poursuivre de nouveaux défis personnels et professionnels en mettant l’accent sur un fait unique dans l’horlogerie de la mode italienne. Liu Jo luxe dans la distribution de notre industrie est la marque de mode italienne qui représente le mieux la créativité, l’originalité, l’imagination propre design italien. Cette expérience est plus difficile parce que je sens mon projet pour fonctionner dans une entreprise dynamique et en croissance”, at-il ajouté Abbati.

german-flagAbbati verlässt Fossil zu Nardelli

Eine wichtige Neuigkeiten in der Welt der Schmuck- und Uhren: Stefano Abbati, 53, verlässt Fossil, von denen er Geschäftsführer wurde, und beteiligt sich an der Nardelli Luxus. Das Unternehmen von Bruno Nardelli gegründet startete die Marke von Uhren und Schmuck Liu Jo Luxus, von der Partnerschaft mit der Modemarke Liu Jo geboren.

Abbati begann eine Karriere in Unternehmen der Massenmarkt, wie Granarolo und Ferrero. Danach wechselte er in Sector Group und anschließend in Binda Group und Fossil. Abbati wird neben Nardelli als Vice President in der Internationalisierungsstrategie von Liu Jo Luxus und Entwicklungslizenz global durch die Stärkung der Mannschaft, die Salvatore Franca Geschäftsführer und Vertriebsleiter Paolo Innocenti sieht.

“Der Eintritt in das Team von Stefano Abbati ist ein wichtiges Element in der Strategie der Konsolidierung des Unternehmens. Ein Unternehmen, das immer Verankerung dank der Manager und heute am Eingang der Stephen Aktionäre wird. Abbati ist eine Sehenswürdigkeit in der Uhren Industrie und ist einer der besten Kenner der Lizenzmarkt”, ist der Kommentar von Nardelli. “Nach zehn Jahren in einem multinationalen Unternehmen, fühlte ich die Notwendigkeit, neue persönliche und berufliche Herausforderungen, die sich auf eine wirklich einzigartig in der italienischen Modeuhrenindustrie zu verfolgen. Liu Jo Luxus im Vertrieb unserer Branche ist die italienische Modemarke, die am besten steht für Kreativität, Originalität, Phantasie eigenen Italian Design. Diese Erfahrung ist eine größere Herausforderung, weil ich das Gefühl, mein Projekt in einem Unternehmen lebhafte und wachsende betreiben”, fügte er hinzu Abbati.

flag-russiaAbbati оставляет Fossil, чтобы Нарделли

Важные новости в мире ювелирные и часовые: Стефано Abbati, 53, оставляет Fossil, из которых он был управляющим директором и принимает долю в Nardelli Luxury.Компания, основанная Бруно Нарделли запустил бренд часы и ювелирные изделия Liu Jo роскоши, родился от партнерства с модного бренда Liu Jo.

Abbati начал карьеру в компании, массового рынка, так как Гранароло и Ферреро. Затем он переехал в группы сектора, а затем в Binda группы и ископаемых. Abbati будет рядом Нарделли в качестве вице-президента в стратегии интернационализации Liu Jo Luxury и развития лицензии на глобальном уровне за счет укрепления команды, которая видит Сальваторе Франкавилла генеральный менеджер и менеджер по продажам Паоло Innocenti.

“Вступление в команды Стефано Abbati является важным элементом в стратегии консолидации компании. Компания, которая становится все более и более прочного утверждения спасибо менеджеру, и сегодня на въезде акционеров Стивен. Abbati является признанным ориентиром в часах промышленности и является одним из наиболее знающих рынка лицензирования “, является комментарий Нарделли. “После десяти лет в международной компании, я почувствовал необходимость проводить новые личные и профессиональные проблемы, сосредоточив внимание на действительно уникальным в итальянском моды часов. Liu Jo Luxury в распределении нашей индустрии итальянский модный бренд, который лучше всего представляет творчество, оригинальность, воображение собственной итальянского дизайна. Этот опыт является более сложным, потому что я чувствую свой проект для работы в бизнес-предприятия динамичного и растущего, “добавил он Abbati.

spagna-okAbbati deja Fossil a Nardelli

Una noticia importante en el mundo de la joyería y la relojería: Stefano Abbati, de 53 años, deja Fossil, de la que fue director, y toma una participación en Nardelli lujo. La compañía fundada por Bruno Nardelli lanzó la marca de relojes y joyas Liu Jo Lujo, nacido de la colaboración con la marca de moda Liu Jo.

Abbati comenzó una carrera en empresas del mercado de masas, como Granarolo y Ferrero. Luego se trasladó en el Grupo Sectorial y posteriormente en Binda Group y Fossil. Abbati hará junto Nardelli como vicepresidente en la estrategia de internacionalización de Liu Jo lujo y de desarrollo de licencias a nivel mundial mediante el fortalecimiento del equipo que ve Salvatore Francavilla gerente general y gerente de ventas Paolo Innocenti.

“La entrada en el equipo de Stefano Abbati es un elemento importante en la estrategia de consolidación de la empresa. Una empresa que se convierte cada vez más firme establecimiento gracias a la gerente y hoy en la entrada de accionistas Stephen. Abbati es un hito reconocido en el reloj industria y es uno de los más conocedores del mercado de licencias”, es el comentario de Nardelli. “Después de diez años en una empresa multinacional, sentí la necesidad de buscar nuevos retos personales y profesionales, centrándose en una realidad única en la relojería de moda italiana. Liu Jo Lujo en la distribución de nuestra industria es la marca de moda italiana que mejor representa la creatividad, la originalidad, la imaginación propia de diseño italiano. Esta experiencia es más difícil porque siento mi proyecto para operar en una empresa dinámica y en crecimiento”, agregó Abbati.