
A springtime Liaison for Giorgio Visconti


What kind is a relationship if it’s not a liasison, which Giorgio Visconti interprets now with a line of jewels? The French word, which indicates a bond, is often used to describe that special union between two people. The Liaison line of the Italian jeweler, after all, is also a stylistic link with the history of the Maison of Valenza. The jewels, in fact, are completely faithful to the usual style of Giorgio Visconti.

Anelli della linea Liaison
Anelli della linea Liaison

Interweaving games that reach the maximum allowed width to enhance a new type of rounded recess, brilliants that illuminate, curved shapes are just some of the strengths. Lobe earrings and rings of a rather classic jewelry, but without neglecting a contemporary and modern style.
Orecchini in oro rosa e diamanti
Orecchini in oro rosa e diamanti

Also in this line there are jewels in silver and gold version, with details of kogolong stone, together with the classic small brilliants.

Anelli con diamanti
Anelli con diamanti
Anello in oro rosa e kogolong
Anello in oro rosa e kogolong
Anello in oro rosa e diamanti di Giorgio Visconti
Anello in oro rosa e diamanti di Giorgio Visconti
Orecchini in oro rosa e kogolong
Orecchini in oro rosa e kogolong

Orecchini con pavé di diamanti
Orecchini con pavé di diamanti

The new Bizarre jewels by Giorgio Visconti


Bizarre, but not too much: Giorgio Visconti enters the time machine and emerges between the late Eighties and early Nineties. The result is the jewelry line called Bizarre. But, in fact, is not at all extravagant, and is instead imbued with the style of the near past.

Orecchini in oro rosa e diamanti
Orecchini in oro rosa e diamanti

The jewels have rounded and full shapes, but at the same time geometric and graphic. The collection includes a new line of rose gold rings and earrings combined with kogolong stones and brilliant pavé. For those who don’t remember, kogolong is a volcanic stone, shiny as ceramic but hard as marble, frequently used in goldsmiths. In particular, combined with pink gold.
Anelli Love
Anelli Love

Although anchored to a period of the recent past, the new jewelry line, in any case, does not lose the usual style of Giorgio Visconti, which combines affordable luxury with the comfortable wearability of his pieces, be they rings or earrings. Next to white or pink gold, there is no shortage of pavé diamonds and a few pearls.
Anello in oro rosa, diamanti e kogolong
Anello in oro rosa, diamanti e kogolong

Anello in oro bianco e pavé di diamanti
Anello in oro bianco e pavé di diamanti
Anello in oro rosa e pavé di diamanti
Anello in oro rosa e pavé di diamanti
Anello in oro rosa e pavé di diamanti
Anello in oro rosa e pavé di diamanti
Anello di Giorgio Visconti indossato
Anello di Giorgio Visconti indossato
Orecchini con kogolong
Orecchini con kogolong
Orecchini ovali in oro bianco, diamanti, smalto nero
Orecchini ovali in oro bianco, diamanti, smalto nero

Orecchini in oro bianco e diamanti
Orecchini in oro bianco e diamanti

Vhernier extends Calla

A new necklace in kogolong and sapphires is added to the Calla collection by Vhernier ♦

Do you know which flower never fade? The calla. Or, better, the Calla with the capital letter C. The collection by Vhernier , after celebrating 20 birthdays a year ago, has continued to evolve in many variations, with the same ambition to combine the classic, pure, simple Calla design with new aesthetic and technical experiments.

Read also: The Calla bracelets by Vhernier

collana CALLA in oro bianco, diamanti, zaffiri grigi e kogolong
collana CALLA in oro bianco, diamanti, zaffiri grigi e kogolong

Such was, for example, the introduction of Eyeliner, a technique for making an artisan pavé composed of a carpet of diamonds or sapphires of different sizes, arranged in an apparently casual manner. This type of pavé is now proposed, for example, in a new one-of-a-kind necklace, made with kogolong elements, lava stone characterized by pure white color, combined with three other elements in white gold with pavé Eyeliner of sapphires gray.

Alongside this unique piece, Vhernier has expanded its catalog to introduce pieces made of aluminum, which is added to the just used titanium, and to nanoceramics. It should be noted that Calla is also available in a men’s version, with bracelets and rings in satin-finished titanium, metal as resistant as steel but much lighter, which interact with the softness of pink gold.

Bracciale Calla uomo platino, titanio
Bracciale Calla uomo platino, titanio

For women, on the other hand, next to bracelets, the Calla collection includes the possibility of choosing rings and earrings. Of course the elements that make up the jewels are smaller and allow the bend. Also in this case titanium and rose gold are the materials that go with the diamonds.

Orecchini Calla, diamanti, titanio
Orecchini Calla, diamanti, titanio

Orecchini in oro bianco e diamanti
Orecchini in oro bianco e diamanti

Orecchini  Calla in oro rosa
Orecchini Calla in oro rosa

Anello Calla  in oro rosa e diamanti
Anello Calla in oro rosa e diamanti

Catena Calla in oro rosa
Catena Calla in oro rosa

Bracciali Calla
Bracciali Calla

Vhernier, three bracelets for Itaca

Vhernier sails for the Onlus Progetto Itaca with three Mini Calla bracelets. Images and price ♦ ︎
A jewel for a good cause. Vhernier has created a series of three Mini Calla bracelets in limited edition to support the Progetto Itaca Onlus. The Foundation from 18 years supports people with mental illness and their families. Itaca Project has managed to assist more than 100,000 people, over 19,000 in 2016. It involves 1,520 volunteers, about 50 prevention, training and rehabilitation projects. Part of the proceeds from the sale of Vhernier bracelets will serve to support Onlus’s business.
Pink gold bracelets recall the colors of the Progetto Itaca logo: the classic cones of the Calla line, one of the continuous collections of Vhernier, are made of turquoise paste, lapis pasta and kogolong pasta, a volcanic stone with white color. “Associations like the Itaca Project, fueled by the passion and dedication of many volunteers, deserve to be supported and encouraged by the private but also by the companies because they play an essential role for society. I think it is a moral duty for all of us entrepreneurs to return to beneficial work at least some of what we get through our business, “says Carlo Traglio, President Vhernier.
The Mini Calla bracelets will be available in the flagship store of the Maison of Milan, or customized in the boutiques of Rome, Venice, Capri and Porto Cervo. Price: 600 euro. Lavinia Andorno

Bracciali Mini Calla
Bracciali Mini Calla

Calla, versione in titanio e full pavé
Calla, versione in titanio e full pavé
Calla versione oro
Calla versione oro
Calla versione oro e ebano
Calla versione oro e ebano
Calla versione oro e kogolong
Calla versione oro e kogolong
Vhernier, collana Calla in oro e calcedonio
Vhernier, collana Calla in oro e calcedonio

Vhernier, bracciali Mini Calla
Vhernier, bracciali Mini Calla

Vhernier back on Ottovolante

The new series of Ottovolante (roller-coaster) necklace by Vhernier in two different combinations ♦
The roller-coaster aims to scare those who get on the carriages that go up and then come down very fast down on the rails of the classic fairground attraction. But for someone the palpitations are evoked more philosophical way, knocking over horizontally the number, which becomes the conventional sign to indicate infinity. Endless as a circle, like the ones that make necklaces Ottovolante collection Vhernier, one of the flagships of the House.
Now the collection returns for 2017 with some new features: two rings in solidarity, real estate, which are a first for the brand, and a proposal chain in two versions: long or choker. Each version is available in two different combinations: rose gold paired with black ebony or white gold combined with the kogolong white. For those unfamiliar with this material, we remember that The Kogolong is a volcanic stone, shining like ceramic, but very tough. And it is often used in their jewelry.

Catena in oro rosa e ebano, lunghezza 43 centimetri
Catena in oro rosa e ebano, lunghezza 43 centimetri

Catena in oro rosa e kogolong, lunghezza 44 centimetri
Catena in oro rosa e kogolong, lunghezza 44 centimetri
Catena in oro bianco e kogolong, lunghezza 104 centimetri
Catena in oro bianco e kogolong, lunghezza 104 centimetri
Catena in oro bianco e kogolong, lunghezza 43 centimetri
Catena in oro bianco e kogolong, lunghezza 43 centimetri
Catena in oro rosa e ebano, lunghezza 104 centimetri
Catena in oro rosa e ebano, lunghezza 104 centimetri

Catena in oro rosa, lunghezza 95 centimetri
Catena in oro rosa, lunghezza 95 centimetri

Mattioli ruggisce in stile art decò

[wzslider]C’è la tigre, c’è il rinoceronte, c’è l’elefante, c’è il rinoceronte, ma non è uno zoo: la collezione Urban Animals di Mattioli fa parte del filone della gioielleria che si ispira al mondo naturale per esercizi di stile a base di oro e pietre preziose. I quattro animali selvaggi sono trasportati nella giungla urbana e diventano gruppi di anelli, bracciali, collana e orecchini. Lo stile? Un tribalismo che si coniuga a echi di art decò. Natura e cultura, insomma, con linee curve e angoli spezzati. Per gli animalisti più incerti, ogni pezzo è numerato e riporta inciso il nome della specie. Il muso di ogni animale accoglie dettagli in moonstone, kogolong, ossidiana e brillanti. Ma non c’è solo il fascino della foresta. Mattioli si ispira alla storia dell’arte italiana con due pezzi unici ispirati alle stagioni dell’Arcimboldo, pittore rinascimentale che dipingeva volti formati da frutti, ortaggi e libri. A Baselworld sono stati presentati Estate e Autunno, al prossimo VicenzaOro sarà la volta dell’Inverno: anelli composti da pietre preziose, testimonianza di un’eredità culturale che si trasferisce dalle pinacoteche alla gioielleria. Ecco immagini e prezzi. M.d.B.

ukMattioli roars in deco style

There is a tiger, a bull, an elephant, and a rhino, but it is not a zoo: the Urban Animals collection by Mattioli, belongs to jewelry which is inspired by wild world, to do style’s exercises based on gold and precious stones. The four animals are transported in the urban jungle and become rings, bracelets, necklace and earrings. The style? A tribalism combined with art deco echoes. Nature and culture with curved lines and broken angles. Each piece is numbered and engraved with the name of the species, whose muzzle unveils many details in moonstone, Kogolong, obsidian and diamonds. But there is not only the charm of the forest. Mattioli looks at the the Italian history of art with two unique pieces inspired by the Arcimboldo’s portraits, a Renaissance painter famous for his composite heads made up of fruits, vegetables and books. At Baselworld were showed Summer and Autumn, at the next fair, the new edition of VicenzaOro, will be Winter’s turn: one of a kind rings, made up of precious stones, proof that of a cultural heritage that moves from art galleries to jewelry.

france-flagMattioli rugit dans le style déco

Il est un tigre, un taureau, un éléphant et un rhinocéros, mais ce ne est pas un zoo: la collection Urban Animals par Mattioli, appartient à bijoux qui est inspiré par monde sauvage, pour exercices de style basé sur l’or et les pierres précieuses. Les quatre animaux sont transportés dans la jungle urbaine et deviennent bagues, bracelets, collier et boucles d’oreilles. Le style? Un combiné avec le tribalisme échos art déco. Nature et culture avec des lignes courbes et les angles brisés. Chaque pièce est numérotée et gravée avec le nom de l’espèce, dont le museau dévoile beaucoup de détails dans la pierre de lune, Kogolong, obsidienne et de diamants. Mais il ne est pas seulement le charme de la forêt. Mattioli regarde à l’histoire de l’art italien avec deux pièces uniques inspirés par les portraits du Arcimboldo, un peintre de la Renaissance célèbre pour ses têtes composé de fruits, de légumes et de livres. À Baselworld ont montré té et automne, lors de la prochaine foire, la nouvelle édition de VicenzaOro, sera le tour de hiver: bagues, composé de pierres précieuses, la preuve d’un patrimoine culturel qui se déplace de pinacothèque à la joaillerie.

german-flagMattioli brüllt in Deco-Stil

Es ist ein Tiger, ein Stier, ein Elefant und ein Nashorn, aber es ist kein Zoo: das Urban Animals Sammlung von Mattioli, gehört zu Schmuck wich durch wilde Welt inspiriert, um Übungen Stil zu tun, basierend auf Gold und Edelsteinen. Die vier Tiere werden im Großstadtdschungel und transportiert werden Ringe, Armbänder, Halskette und Ohrringe. Der Stil? Ein Stammes mit Art-Deco-Echos kombiniert. Natur und Kultur mit geschwungenen Linien und gebrochen Winkeln. Jedes Stück ist nummeriert und mit dem Namen der Art, dessen Schnauze enthüllt viele Details in Mondstein, Kogolong, Obsidian und Diamanten eingraviert. Aber es ist nicht nur der Charme des Waldes. Mattioli schaut auf den italienischen Kunstgeschichte mit zwei Einzelstücke, inspiriert von der Arcimboldo Porträts, ein Renaissance-Maler berühmt für seine Verbundköpfe bestehend aus Obst, Gemüse und Bücher. Auf der Baselworld wurden, zeigten Sommer und Herbst, bei der nächsten Messe, die Neuauflage des VicenzaOro, wird wiederum von Winter sein: Ringe, bestehend aus Edelsteinen, der Beweis, dass ein kulturelles Erbe, das aus Pinakothek, um Schmuck geht.

flag-russiaMattioli ревет в стиле ар

Существует тигр, бык, слон, и носорог, но это не зоопарк: коллекция Urban Animals Mattioli, принадлежит ювелирной который вдохновлен дикий мир, делать упражнения стиль, основанный на золоте и драгоценных камней. Четыре животные перевозятся в городских джунглях и стать кольца, браслеты, колье и серьги. Стиль? Трайбализм в сочетании с арт-деко эхо. Природа и культура с изогнутыми линиями и сломанные углы. Каждая часть пронумерована и с выгравированным именем вида, которого морда представляет много деталей в лунный камень, Kogolong, обсидиан и бриллианты. Но есть не только очарование леса. Mattioli смотрит на итальянском истории искусства с двумя уникальными произведениями, вдохновленных портретов Arcimboldo, в живописец эпохи Возрождения известен своими композитных головок из фруктов, овощей и книг. В выставке Baselworld были продемонстрированы летом и осенью, на следующей выставке, новая редакция VicenzaOro, будет поворот зимы: Кольца из драгоценных камней, доказательство того, что культурного наследия, что движется из художественных галерей ювелирных изделий.

spagna-okMattioli ruge en estilo deco

Hay un tigre, un toro, un elefante y un rinoceronte, pero no es un parque zoológico: la colección Urban Animales por Mattioli, pertenece a la joyería, que se inspira en el mundo salvaje, para hacer ejercicios de estilo basado en oro y piedras preciosas . Los cuatro animales son transportados en la jungla urbana y se convierten en anillos, pulseras, collar y pendientes. El estilo? Un tribalismo combinado con ecos del art déco. Naturaleza y cultura con líneas curvas y ángulos rotos en edición limitada. Cada pieza está numerada y grabada con el nombre de la especie, cuya boca da a conocer muchos detalles en piedra de luna, Kogolong, obsidiana y diamantes. Pero no sólo existe el encanto de la selva. Mattioli mira a la historia de arte italiana con dos piezas únicas inspiradas en los retratos de la Arcimboldo, un pintor renacentista famoso por sus cabezas compuestas de frutas, verduras y libros. En Baselworld mostró Verano y Otoño, en la próxima feria, la nueva edición de VicenzaOro, será el turno de Invierno: anillos hechos de piedras preciosas, la prueba de un patrimonio cultural que se mueve de las galerías de arte a la joyería.