Anabela Chan

How to wear just one earring

The single earrings, that is, earrings that are worn one at a time. But when can you wear just one earrings? Here are the rules to follow ♦

Large and showy, in burnished brass, gold-plated and with extravagant shapes: they are the earrings that you wear alone. After ear cuffs, ear climbers and asymmetric studs, here’s the idea of ​​wearing different earrings, one or the other. Or, sometimes, just one, and it also combines other trends. But there are also those who suggest to wear cascades of diamonds and platinum from a single lobe, to give a modern touch to high-end jewelry. And if the costs rise with exaggerated dimensions, the solution can be to find a friend with whom to share the shopping. In short, the single chandelier is beautiful especially when you have the same tastes. Here’s how to choose them.

Orecchino della collezione Universe (immagine da Facebook)
Nikos Koulis, orecchino della collezione Universe (immagine da Facebook)

Rule number 1. A tiny mono earring has no reason to exist. Nobody will notice a small ring or a gold button. Above all nobody will notice that the other ear wears nothing.

Rule number 2. A large, showy, shimmering mono earring does not go unnoticed. But with all sincerity, are you sure it’s a good idea to draw attention to your ears? If you have some defect, do not overdo it: in this case it is better to wear normal earrings that are not too evident.

Rule number 3. Before wearing a large earring pay attention to the weight: it must not become annoying for the lobe: it could also cause skin irritation.

Rule number 4. A earring alone not only must have a generous size, but also has an original shape. If you want to wear only one earring, in short, better not to limit yourself to the classic gold ring.

Rule number 5. Choose the earring that best fits the shape of your face. If you have an oval and thin face, it is better not to overdo it with a long and hanging earring, which accentuates this characteristic. If, on the other hand, your face is rounder in shape, a long, hanging earring will serve to streamline the volume. Alessia Mongrando

Il mono orecchino firmato da Millie Bobby Brown
Il mono orecchino Pandora firmato da Millie Bobby Brown
Orecchino in titanio e diamanti
Arunashi, orecchino in titanio e diamanti
Tahiti Solo Earring
Daniela Villegas, orecchino Thaiti, con tormaline watermelon, ametista
Orecchino Palio, chiuso
Alessio Boschi, orecchino Palio, chiuso
Orecchino in oro rosa con quarzo fumé e diamanti
Alfieri & St.John, orecchino in oro rosa con quarzo fumé e diamanti
Orecchino a spirale con pietra luna, oro e diamanti
Noor Fares, orecchino a spirale con pietra luna, oro e diamanti
Delfina Delettrez, orecchino triplo con bocche
Delfina Delettrez, orecchino triplo con bocche
Orecchino singolo Libellula, oro giallo, diamanti, tsavorite
Yvonne Léon, orecchino singolo Libellula, oro giallo, diamanti, tsavorite
Tory Burch
Tory Burch
Vicki Sarge
Vicki Sarge
Nina tra le nuvole
Nina tra le nuvole
Daniela Villegas
Daniela Villegas
Orecchino singolo in oro e diamanti
Orecchino singolo in oro e diamanti di Shihara
Linda Palais
Linda Palais
Vittorio Ceccoli
Vittorio Ceccoli

Annabel Chan
Annabel Chan

A little mermaid for Anabela Chan


New jewels by Anabela Chan, with stones created in the laboratory next to the natural ones ♦ ︎

According to an analysis by research firm Knight Frank, who developed the Luxury Investment Index, colored gemstones outperformed the wider jewelry market. So much so that a special edition of the Index that measures the consumption of luxury has been dedicated to the performance of these stones. Emeralds, rubies and sapphires seem to have conquered a place in the heart of those who can buy them. And who can’t?

Orecchini in alluminio riciclato, oro, tormaline paraiba, zaffiri, spinelli, opali e diamanti sintetici
Orecchini in alluminio riciclato, oro, tormaline paraiba, zaffiri, spinelli, opali e diamanti sintetici

Well now, the alternative is the stones created in the laboratory, with an indistinguishable appearance compared to natural gems. Unless they are checked in a gemology lab, of course. This consideration is the one that drove London designer Anabela Chan years ago to create jewels that have the imagination and the elaboration of high-end ones, but using synthetic stones. The price, in this way, remains below the threshold of 3,000 euros, often even below 2,000 euros, but with an exceptional yield. Not only: Anabela Chan also uses vermeil, meaning gold plated silver. But, surprisingly, sometimes you will also find natural gems, such as peridot, next to the laboratory stones. Here are some of the news from Anabela Chan.

Collana in oro e alluminio riciclato, con gemme di sintesi
Collana in oro e alluminio riciclato, con gemme di sintesi

Her latest Marmaid’s Tale collection is inspired by the mythological fish-women, as protectors of the sea. They are ocean-inspired jewels, made with waste metals, such as recycled aluminum and laboratory stones. The collection also aims to help restore ocean ecosystems: each Mermaid’s Tale jewel purchased translates into 100 mangrove trees planted, which is equivalent to 100 tons of CO₂ less thanks to tree photosynthesis.

Anello con tormalina verde, smeraldi, peridoti e diamanti creati in laboratorio
Anello con tormalina verde, smeraldi, peridoti e diamanti creati in laboratorio
Anello con tormalina paraiba, acquamarina e diamanti creati in laboratorio
Anello con tormalina paraiba, acquamarina e diamanti creati in laboratorio
Orecchini in alluminio riciclato color arcobaleno, oro bianco 18 carati e vermeil rodiato, pietre di laboratorio
Orecchini in alluminio riciclato color arcobaleno, oro bianco 18 carati e vermeil rodiato, pietre di laboratorio
Orecchino chandelier con pietre create in laboratorio
Orecchino chandelier con pietre create in laboratorio
Anello con ametista sintetica e zaffiri simulati
Anello con ametista sintetica e zaffiri simulati

These Anabela Chan earrings are made with an amazing material


Spring, nature, sustainability: three ideas that made the new Anabela Chan collection flourish. The series of earrings and brooches from the Blooms collection were created with a revolutionary idea: they are made with recycled aluminum. The metal is that of the beverage cans. Reused, and combined with gold and gems created in the laboratory, it becomes a material for refined jewelry. Judge for yourself: just look at these images to understand that recycling even the most humble materials can turn into sustainable luxury.

Orecchini della collezione Bloom, con tormalina paraiba creata in laboratorio
Orecchini della collezione Bloom, con tormalina paraiba creata in laboratorio

The project, explains the London-based Hong Kong designer, has lasted two and a half years, since 2017. Before arriving at this exceptional result, Anabela Chan experimented with many attempts in the melting and refining processes of aluminum cans, expired at a temperature of 600 degrees centigrade. And then, after being transformed into metal bars, used in combination with the traditional artisanal method of lost wax casting. The metal takes on intense colors, sometimes iridescent.
Alluminio arcobaleno riciclato, oro 18 carati, vermeil in oro giallo 18 carati, gemme sintetiche
Alluminio arcobaleno riciclato, oro 18 carati, vermeil in oro giallo 18 carati, gemme sintetiche

The jewels then took the form of exuberant flowers, with the addition of synthetic, but quality gems, often with an unusual cut, such as the trilliant one. The elements were worked by hand, individually. Even the choice of using synthetic gemstones was really decided out of respect for the nature and conditions of those working on the extraction. Indeed, Anabela Chan says she was shocked after a visit to the mines of Sri Lanka.
Anabela Chan, orecchini Rainbow Bloom
Anabela Chan, orecchini Rainbow Bloom

Orecchini in alluminio color bronzo rosa
Orecchini in alluminio color bronzo rosa

Orecchini Agrumi in fiore
Orecchini Agrumi in fiore

Anabela Chan, masterpieces with synthetic diamonds


Three masterpiece jewels created by Anabela Chan with the synthetic stones of Diamond Foundry ♦ ︎

If you still think that the diamonds created in the laboratory, synthetic, are a simple copy of the natural ones, to be used for a solitaire, you have to change your mind. London designer Anabela Chan, jewel architect and artist, gave a demonstration of what can be done with mechanically produced diamonds. In particular, with Diamond Foundry’s diamonds, the Californian company that also has Leonardo DiCaprio among its shareholders.

Anabela Chan designed with colorless, synthetic diamonds, a mini collection of three pieces. But they are three small masterpieces.

Anello ispirato alle fioriture eterne e alle farfalle danzanti del poetico Giardino Inglese. Lavorato a mano in oro bianco 18k Fairtrade, con 184 diamanti da laboratorio Diamond Foundry, per 6,84 carati
Anello ispirato alle fioriture eterne e alle farfalle danzanti del poetico Giardino Inglese. Lavorato a mano in oro bianco 18k Fairtrade, con 184 diamanti da laboratorio Diamond Foundry, per 6,84 carati

This is high jewelry, although diamonds are synthetic. For the three pieces, the designer used a total of 677 diamonds, over 29 carats, all created by Diamond Foundry. The price, understandably, is on request. The collection was inspired by the orchid flower. And at the Golden Globe in 2019 the jewels are worn by the Golden Globe winner Patricia Arquette.

It is about offering genuinely sustainable and ethical jewels that are stimulating and beautifully made with the highest level of high craftsmanship; works of art that are worn, loved and appreciated forever.
Anabela Chan

Ispirati alle forme poetiche scultoree di orchidee e magnolie, gli orecchini sono realizzati a mano in oro bianco 18 carati Fairtrade, con 349 diamanti da laboratorio per 15,39 carati
Ispirati alle forme poetiche scultoree di orchidee e magnolie, gli orecchini sono realizzati a mano in oro bianco 18 carati Fairtrade, con
349 diamanti da laboratorio per 15,39 carati
Gli orecchini Diamond Vine sono in oro bianco 18k Fairtrade, incastonati con 144 diamanti Diamond Foundry, per 6,88 carati
Gli orecchini Diamond Vine sono in oro bianco 18k Fairtrade, incastonati con 144 diamanti Diamond Foundry, per 6,88 carati
Orecchini in vermeil in oro rosa 18 carati con pali in oro 18 carati, set intricato a mano con una serie di pietre preziose create in laboratorio tra cui due zaffiri rosa fucsia da 5 carati, citrini di champagne, tormaline, cioccolato, canarino e diamanti bianchi con intagli fiori di madreperla e foglie di smalto dipinte a mano
Orecchini in vermeil in oro rosa 18 carati con pali in oro 18 carati, set intricato a mano con una serie di pietre preziose create in laboratorio tra cui due zaffiri rosa fucsia da 5 carati, citrini di champagne, tormaline, cioccolato, canarino e diamanti bianchi con intagli fiori di madreperla e foglie di smalto dipinte a mano
Orecchini in vermeil oro rosa 18 carati con montanti in oro 18 carati, due perle d'acqua dolce rosa, gemme create in laboratorio, tra cui smeraldi, peridoti, topazi blu e diamanti bianchi
Orecchini in vermeil oro rosa 18 carati con montanti in oro 18 carati, due perle d’acqua dolce rosa, gemme create in laboratorio, tra cui smeraldi, peridoti, topazi blu e diamanti bianchi
Orecchini in vermeil, set con pietre create in laboratorio, tra cui due smeraldi a goccia da 5 carati, diamanti bianchi e brown , zaffiri rosa, citrini arancioni con fiori di madreperla intagliati e foglie smaltate dipinte a mano
Anabela Chan, orecchini in vermeil, set con pietre create in laboratorio, tra cui due smeraldi a goccia da 5 carati, diamanti bianchi e brown , zaffiri rosa, citrini arancioni con fiori di madreperla intagliati e foglie smaltate dipinte a mano

Orecchini in vermeil con gemme create in laboratorio: smeraldi verdi, peridoti, granati arancio, diamanti bianchi e zaffiri rosa con fiori intagliati di madreperla e foglie di smalto dipinte a mano
Orecchini in vermeil con gemme create in laboratorio: smeraldi verdi, peridoti, granati arancio, diamanti bianchi e zaffiri rosa con fiori intagliati di madreperla e foglie di smalto dipinte a mano

The bouquets of Anabela Chan


The new Anabela Chan jewels, among flowers and precious laboratory stones ♦ ︎

If you still have doubts about the ever thinner border between synthetic and natural stones, take a look at Anabela Chan’s jewelry. The designer uses laboratory stones such as sapphires, diamonds or tanzanites to create dazzling cocktail rings, festive necklaces or sparkling earrings. And combining synthetic stones with vermeil, that is silver with a solid gold plating. The latest designer jewels, including the Palm collection and the pieces inspired by flowers, are faithful to this philosophy.
Anabela Chan was born in Hong Kong, but since she was a child she lived in Paris, worked with designer Alexander McQueen, even collaborated on the design of the new World Trade Center in New York, because she is also an architect. Now she works in London. Her jewels have been liked by stars like Lady Gaga and Rita Ora. The creativity of Anabela Chan is, however, a family heritage, since she comes from four generations of directors and filmmakers. Perhaps for this reason too she has a narrative approach: her collections are always descriptions of something, stories, fairy tales. It is no coincidence that one of its most famous collections is inspired by Alice in Wonderland. The degree in architecture, instead, has served her for the meticulous study of the volumes and proportions of her jewels. Although the geometric aspect is surrounded by an exuberant fantasy. Giulia Netrese

Anello in vermeil bianco e giallo, oro 18 carati, zaffiro blu kashmir sintetico, zaffiro di 6 carati acquamarina, 184 diamanti bianchi a pavé
Anello in vermeil bianco e giallo, oro 18 carati, zaffiro blu kashmir sintetico, zaffiro di 6 carati acquamarina, 184 diamanti bianchi a pavé

Fiori di turchese intagliato, madreperla, foglie smaltate dipinte a mano
Fiori di turchese intagliato, madreperla, foglie smaltate dipinte a mano
Orecchini con topazio sintetico, turchese, diamanti
Orecchini con topazio sintetico, turchese, diamanti
Orecchini Nightberry, vermeil, oro 18 carati, diamanti bianchi e gialli, perle d'acqua dolce,
Orecchini Nightberry, vermeil, oro 18 carati, diamanti bianchi e gialli, perle d’acqua dolce,
Orecchini con granati creati in laboratorio, zaffiri rosa
Orecchini con granati creati in laboratorio, zaffiri rosa
Orecchini in oro giallo, vermeil rodiato, smalto, gemme sintetiche, diamanti e peridoto
Orecchini in oro giallo, vermeil rodiato, smalto, gemme sintetiche, diamanti e peridoto
Collana Palm in oro giallo, zaffiro da laboratorio, tanzanite, diamanti, peridoto, madreperla naturale
Collana Palm in oro giallo, zaffiro da laboratorio, tanzanite, diamanti, peridoto, madreperla naturale
Collana Palm in oro giallo, zaffiro da laboratorio, diamanti, peridoto, madreperla naturale, turchese
Collana Palm in oro giallo, zaffiro da laboratorio, diamanti, peridoto, madreperla naturale, turchese

Anello con zaffiro sintetico e diamanti, oro bianco e annerito
Anello con zaffiro sintetico e diamanti, oro bianco e annerito

Anabela Chan multitasking

London designer Anabela Chan, after fashion and architecture is great with jewelery ♦ ︎
Anabela Chan is a origin chinese designer who works in London. She defined herself as “slightly rebellious,” even though her jewels were consecrated with a burst of awards. And it’s no surprise that they are worn by stars like Lady Gaga and Rita Ora. She comes from a family of three generations dealing with cinema.
Perhaps for this reason her jewels are so spectacular: she grew up between London and Paris, attended the Royal College of Art and Gemmological Association of Great Britain, a school that has made her discover an innate talent in choosing the precious stones she uses for her jewels. As in the best traditions, Anabela start from stones to build pieces of great visual impact. She also loves the architecture (she has worked with archistar Lord Richard Rogers) and has a passion for art, as well she is a expert in prints. To better understand Anabela Chan’s attitudes, one can add that she also had a period of her life in fashion and she worked with designer Alexander McQueen in London for seven years before returning to jewelry to launch his Maison in 2013. In short, his work is the result of an explosive mix of experiences, abilities, aptitudes. You find it in its boutique at Piccadilly’s Ham Yard Hotel. Giulia Netrese

Anello Butterfly Peonia
Anello Butterfly Peonia
Anello Rose Delphinium
Anello Rose Delphinium
Orecchini Beetle Citrus Citrines
Orecchini Beetle Citrus Citrines
Anello Blue Delphinium
Anello Blue Delphinium
Orecchini Daisy
Orecchini Daisy
Anello Imperial Delphinium
Anello Imperial Delphinium

Orecchini con diamanti e ametiste
Orecchini con diamanti e ametiste