Yvone Christa NY

A windflower for Yvone Christa NY

Anemone, in Greek mythology, was a nymph of Flora (goddess of vegetation) who had made two winds fall in love: the spring Zephyr and the north wind. But the anemone, commonly called windflower in English, is also the name of the new collection by Yvone Christa NY. The filigree technique used to work the metal, which is a characteristic of the American brand founded in Los Angeles in 1991 by the Swedes Yvonne Clamf and Christina Söderström, now in New York City, allows the creation of light and colorful jewels.

Bracciale indossato della collezione Windflower
Bracciale indossato della collezione Windflower

The burnished silver used for Yvone Christa NY’s jewels are then modeled to compose leaves of anemone flowers, including chandelier earrings, bracelets, necklaces and rings. The metal is combined with hard stones, cubic zirconia and lemurian water, a glassy mineral that takes on different shades, with shades ranging from pale blue to intense blue-green, and is native to the island of Sumatra. Alongside the stones, small freshwater pearls are also used.

Collana in argento, pietre naturali, acqua lemuria
Collana in argento, pietre naturali come corniola, ametista, onice, jet
Bracciale della collezione windflower
Bracciale della collezione windflower
Yvone Christa NY
Orecchini indossati di Yvone Christa NY
Orecchini in argento con ametista e pietre verdi
Orecchini in argento con ametista e pietre verdi
Orecchini con cubic zirconia rosa
Orecchini in argento con cubic zirconia rosa
Orecchini inargento a filigrana e perle di acqua dolce
Orecchini inargento a filigrana e perle di acqua dolce
Orecchini della collezione Windflower
Orecchini della collezione Windflower con cubic zirconia viola e corniola

A tulip for Yvone Christa

Yvone Christa NY browses a tulip to anticipate spring ♦ ︎
Like a Japanese train, in sight of Christmas came a new collection of the Swedish duo Yvone Christa NY. Where NY stands for New York, where the two designers have long been operating. Since winter needs the colors of spring to be less gray, the collection is dedicated to a flower that marks the very beginning of the new beautiful season, the tulip. The Tiny Tulip collection consists of earrings, pendants, rings, necklaces, made with a special eye for younger women. The theme of the flower is summarized in the labels that stop pearls or natural stones and recall the wrap-around petals of the tulip. The technique is the usual one of Yvone Christa: silver embroidered with pearls or stones such as citrine or quartz, with a lightweight shape and soft colors. Prices: Starting at a minimum of 80 euros for a very simple ring, up to 331 euros for a ring you and me with two pearls. Alessia Mongrando

Orecchini con perle. Prezzo: 204 euro
Orecchini con perle. Prezzo: 204 euro

Orecchini Tiny Tulip. Prezzo: 80 euro
Orecchini Tiny Tulip. Prezzo: 80 euro
Orecchini con pietre naturali. Prezzo: 190 euro
Orecchini con pietre naturali. Prezzo: 190 euro
Orecchini Yoven Christa NY con pietre naturali. Prezzo: 259 euro
Orecchini Yoven Christa NY con pietre naturali. Prezzo: 259 euro
Orecchini in argento. Prezzo: 135 euro
Orecchini in argento. Prezzo: 135 euro
Orecchini in argento Tiny Tulip. Prezzo: 204 euro
Orecchini in argento Tiny Tulip. Prezzo: 204 euro
Anello in argento dorato Tiny Tulip. Prezzo: 124 euro
Anello in argento dorato Tiny Tulip. Prezzo: 124 euro
Anello multiplo in argento. Prezzo: 232 euro
Anello multiplo in argento. Prezzo: 232 euro
Anello Yvone Christa NY. Prezzo: 237 euro
Anello Yvone Christa NY. Prezzo: 237 euro
Anello con perle. Prezzo: 331 euro
Anello con perle. Prezzo: 331 euro

Anello in argento. Prezzo: 177 euro
Anello in argento. Prezzo: 177 euro

A leaf for Yvone Christa Ny

VicenzaOro is always an opportunity to present new collections: as Yvone Christa NY, brand founded by two Swedes (hence the name) which has its headquarters in the Big Apple. The new 2016 collection is dedicated to a tree: Ginkgo Biloba, plant among the oldest in the world and widely used as an ornamental plant in parks, boulevards and gardens thanks to the remarkable resistance to pollutants (there are many in our cities). It is native to China and highly appreciated in the East. That said, the collection of Yvone Christa NY includes earrings, pendants, necklaces and pendants, made with pearls and filigree silver or gold. On the other hand, the filigree technique, learned in Italy, is the leitmotif of the brand’s collections. In this case the thin metal wires that make up the jewels follow the contours of the leaf Ginko Biloba, which looks like the lobed wings of a butterfly. In addition to the pearls, the jewels are often accompanied by colored stones. Matilde de Bounvilles

Collezione Ginko Biloba, orecchini
Collezione Ginko Biloba, orecchini
Anello con pietra light green
Anello con pietra light green
Anello con perla grigia
Anello con perla grigia
Orecchini con perle grigie
Orecchini con perle grigie
Orecchini Yovone Christa NY, collezione Ginko Biloba
Orecchini Yovone Christa NY, collezione Ginko Biloba
Orecchini in argento brunito con peridoto
Orecchini in argento brunito con peridoto
Orecchini in argento brunito con peridoto e perle
Orecchini in argento brunito con peridoto e perle
Orecchini in argento brunito con peridoto e perle grigie
Orecchini in argento brunito con peridoto e perle grigie
Orecchini in argento brunito con perle grigie
Orecchini in argento brunito con perle grigie
Orecchini con perle
Orecchini con perle
Collana con peridoto e perle grigie
Collana con peridoto e perle grigie
Collana con peridoto e perle grigie
Yvone Christa NY, collana con peridoto e perle grigie

Yvone Christa in fiore

[wzslider]Collezione floreale da Yvone Christa NY, brand fondato da due svedesi trapiantate sul suolo americano. I fiori sono, infatti, il filo conduttore della nuova linea di gioielli. Come sempre, la tecnica utilizzata è quella del ricamo orafo, con l’utilizzo della lavorazione dell’argento 925, brunito o bagnato in oro 22Kt. Il risultato sono petali e bocci che si trasformano in pendenti e orecchini, con tinte calde e antiche, choker, braccialetti, anelli, spille, orecchini. Oltre all’argento brunito, sono utilizzati perle, giade, quarzi, diaspri, citrini, ametiste, occhi di tigre, lapis, turchesi, coralli, amazzoniti, corniole, topazi, onici, giaietti, zirconi. Insomma, pietre dure che combaciano con la lavorazione a filigrana tipica del brand. L.A.  

ukYvone Christa blooms 

Floral collection by Yvone Christa NY, brand founded by two Swedes transplanted on American soil. Flowers are, in fact, the leitmotif of the new line of jewelry. As always, the technique used is that of the embroidery goldsmith, with the use silver 925 burnished, or wet in gold 22Kt. Petals and buds  turn into pendants and earrings, with warm colors and antique, choker, bracelets, rings, brooches, earrings. In addition at the burnished silver, are used pearls, jade, quartz, jasper, citrine, amethyst, tiger’s eye, lapis, turquoise, coral, carnelian, topaz, onyx, giaietti, cubic zirconia. In short, semi-precious stones which match at the filigree typical of the brand.

france-flagFleurs pour Yvone Christa 

Collection florale par Yvone Christa NY, marque fondée par deux Suédois transplantées sur le sol américain. Les fleurs sont, en fait, le leitmotiv de la nouvelle ligne de bijoux. Comme toujours, la technique utilisée est celle de la broderie orfèvre, avec l’utilisation de l’argent 925, ou humidée en or 22kt. Pétales et boutons se transforment en pendentifs et boucles d’oreilles, avec des couleurs chaudes et anciennes, tour de cou, bracelets, bagues, broches, boucles d’oreilles. De plus, à l’argent bruni, sont utilisés perles, jade, quartz, jaspe, citrine, améthyste, oeil de tigre, lapis, turquoise, corail, cornaline, topaze, onyx, giaietti, la zircone cubique. En bref, des pierres semi-précieuses qui correspondent au filigrane typique de la marque.

german-flagYvone Christa Blüten

Floral Sammlung von Yvone Christa NY, Marke von zwei Schweden auf amerikanischem Boden verpflanzt gegründet. Blumen sind in der Tat, das Leitmotiv der neuen Linie von Schmuck. Wie immer ist die verwendete Technik der Stickereigoldschmied , mit dem Einsatz 925 brüniert oder nass in 22kt Gold. Blütenblätter und Blüten verwandeln sich in Anhänger und Ohrringe, mit warmen Farben und antiken, Collier, Armbänder, Ringe, Broschen, Ohrringe. Zusätzlich an der polierten Silber, werden verwendet, Perlen, Jade, Quarz, Jaspis, Citrin, Amethyst, Tigerauge, Lapislazuli, Türkis, Koralle, Karneol, Topas, Onyx, giaietti, Zirkonia. Kurz gesagt, Halbedelsteine​​, die an der für die Marke typischen filigranen entsprechen.

flag-russiaYvone Christa цветет 

Цветочные коллекции по Yvone Криста Нью-Йорк, марки, основанной двумя шведами пересаженных на американской земле. Цветки, по сути, лейтмотивом новой линии ювелирных изделий. Как всегда, техника, используемая в том, что из вышивки ювелира, с использованием серебра 925 полированной или мокрые в золотой 22kt. Лепестки и бутоны превращаются в подвески и серьги, в теплых тонах и антикварные, колье, браслеты, кольца, броши, серьги. Кроме того на полированной серебра, используются жемчуг, нефрит, кварц, яшма, цитрин, аметист, тигровый глаз, лазурит, бирюза, коралл, сердолик, топаз, оникс, giaietti, кубического циркония. Короче говоря, полудрагоценных камней, которые соответствуют в филиграни типичной для марки.

spagna-okFloraciones de Yvone Christa 

Colección floral por Yvone Christa NY, marca fundada por dos suecas trasplantadas en suelo americano. Las flores son, de hecho, el leitmotiv de la nueva línea de joyería. Como siempre, la técnica utilizada es la del bordado orfebre, con la plata uso 925 bruñido, o húmedo en oro 22kt. Pétalos y brotes se convierten en colgantes y pendientes, con colores cálidos y antigüedades, gargantilla, pulseras, anillos, broches, pendientes. Además de la plata bruñida, se utilizan perlas, jade, cuarzo, jaspe, citrino, amatista, ojo de tigre, lapislázuli, turquesa, coral, cornalina, topacio, ónice, giaietti, zirconia cúbico. En piedras cortos, semi-preciosas que coinciden en la filigrana típico de la marca.