vendita - Page 2

Fewer people sell jewelry

There’s less people going to sell their jewelry. A sign that the global economy is getting better is precisely the decrease of gold from recycled jewelery, bars, coins and products industry, which dropped to 1,122 tons. According to the World Gold Council, the industry association of the leading gold mining, the volume has never been so low since 2007. Basically, the report published in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group says that it has came back to pre-crisis levels . The reason? The turnover of the main source of precious metal second hand, that is jewelry, decreased because people no longer sells for cash. Analysts say that economic shocks may increase by 20% of the activities of so-called buy gold and similar, it happened during the Asian crisis in the late 1990s and there was a 25% increase during the last crisis in 2008 -2009. A lucrative trade that, however, now seems on the decline, at least in the US, with some sensational cases such as The site specialized in buy gold in 2009 had a turnover that could afford to pay $ 3 million for its commercials during the Super Bowl, but after just three years has failed. Perhaps the fault is not only due to a drastic drop in customers, but this company has declared bankruptcy and has changed hands. The devaluation of gold has had its relevance: the experts have shown a correlation between the decline in metal prices and and the activities of buy gold. For example, in 1999, when an ounce (a little more than 28 grams) of yellow metal was worth $ 250 provenance was distributed as follows: 73% mineral production and 17% recycling. Ten years after the value has exceeded for the first time the $ 1,000, the second rate has risen to 42%, a record since it stood at 26%. Of course, in countries like China and India which represent 60% of world demand is a sector yet to be developed, but in the West, things are changing. Federico Graglia

Gioielli in 3D (d’oro) su Amazon

Anche Amazon punta sulle stampanti 3D e tra le diverse categorie di possibili acquisti online ci sono i gioielli: in un catalogo di più di 200 oggetti, 98 sono proprio bijoux. Collane, orecchini, anelli e gemelli da personalizzare con colori diversi e in alcuni casi persino come materiali e dimensioni. Una volta che il prodotto è stato progettato e il consumatore ha completato il processo di pagamento, l’oggetto verrà stampato in 3D dal fabbricante e inviato direttamente al consumatore. Se siete interessati, questa è la pagina dedicata al 3D G.N. 

Bracciale in 3D
Bracciale in 3D
Bracciale Constructionist stampato in 3D in nylon. Prezzo: 59 dollari
Bracciale Constructionist stampato in 3D in nylon. Prezzo: 59 dollari
Bracciale Constructionist stampato in 3D in acciaio placcato oro. Prezzo: 199 dollari
Bracciale Constructionist stampato in 3D in acciaio placcato oro. Prezzo: 199 dollari

ukJewels in 3D also on Amazon

Also Amazon focuses on 3D printers and between different categories available online there are jewels: in a more than 200 objects catalog, 98 are their own jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, rings and cufflinks can be personalized with different colors and in some cases even as materials and sizes. Once the product has been designed and the consumer has completed the payment process, the object will be printed in 3D and sent directly from the manufacturer to the consumer. If you are interested, this is the page dedicated to 3D

france-flagBijoux en 3D aussi sur Amazon

Amazon se concentre également sur ​​des imprimantes 3D et entre les différentes catégories de possible achats en ligne il ya les bijoux: un catalogue de plus de 200 objets, 98 ont leurs propres bijoux. Colliers, boucles d’oreilles, bagues et boutons de manchette peuvent être personnalisés avec des couleurs différentes et, dans certains cas, même en tant que matériaux et tailles. Une fois que le produit a été conçu et le consommateur a terminé le processus de paiement, l’objet sera imprimé en 3D et envoyé directement du fabricant au consommateur. Si vous êtes intéressé, c’est la page dédiée à la 3D

german-flagJuwelen in 3D auch auf Amazon

Auch Amazon konzentriert sich auf 3D-Drucker und zwischen verschiedenen Kategorien online verfügbar sind Juwelen: In einem mehr als 200 Objekte Katalog, 98 sind ihre eigenen Schmuck. Halsketten, Ohrringe, Ringe und Manschettenknöpfe können mit verschiedenen Farben und in einigen Fällen sogar als Materialien und Größen personalisiert werden. Sobald das Produkt wurde entwickelt, und der Verbraucher hat den Zahlungsvorgang abgeschlossen ist, wird das Objekt in 3D gedruckt und direkt vom Hersteller an den Kunden versandt werden. Wenn Sie interessiert sind, ist dies die Seite gewidmet 3D

flag-russiaДрагоценности в 3D также на Amazon

Также Amazon фокусируется на 3D-принтеров и между различными категориями доступных в Интернете Есть драгоценности: в каталоге более 200 объектов, 98 являются их собственные ювелирные изделия. Колье, серьги, кольца и запонки можно персонализировать с различными цветами и в некоторых случаях даже в качестве материалов и размеров. После того, как продукт был разработан и потребитель завершила процесс оплаты, объект будет напечатан в 3D и отправлен непосредственно от производителя к потребителю. Если вы заинтересованы, это страница, посвященная 3D

spagna-okJoyas en 3D también en Amazon

Amazon también se centra en las impresoras 3D y entre las diferentes categorías de posibles compras en línea no son las joyas: un catálogo de más de 200 objetos, 98 tienen su propia joyería. Collares, pendientes, anillos y gemelos se pueden personalizar con diferentes colores y en algunos casos incluso como materiales y tamaños. Una vez que el producto ha sido diseñado y el consumidor se ha completado el proceso de pago, el objeto se imprimirá en 3D y se envía directamente desde el fabricante hasta el consumidor. Si usted está interesado, esta es la página dedicada a 3D