
Attention: Corsairs in jewelry


Pirates break into the jewelry store. But instead of stealing precious rings, necklaces and bracelets, they showcase their designer creations. Corsari Jewels plays on the name to make it clear that it is something unconventional. Corsairs (corsari in Italian) were pirates authorized by their state (Great Britain, France, Spain and, to a lesser extent, Italy) to attack the fleet of an enemy state and plunder their ships to bring back riches and treasures. Corsari Jewels, on the other hand, limits itself to offering bijoux with an original design, made of colored resin.

Collana in resina  morbida della collezione LouLou
Collana in resina morbida della collezione LouLou

The brand is an emanation of Corsi Design, a Lombard company founded in 2003 by Andrea Corsi. The entrepreneur, however, defines himself rather as a craftsman who has collaborated with great names in Italian design, such as Enzo Mari, Gaetano Pesce and Alessandro Mendini. With resin, Corsi Design creates objects characterized by an artisan virtuosity in the processing of plastic material. So much so that Corsari Jewels was born from a spin off of the company. The latest creation of the brand is the LouLou collection, which is characterized by the use of the colors of the Italian flag: white, red and green. Each piece is made to order: Corsari Jewels also warns that all pieces are handmade and will not be exactly the same as the catalog images.
Bracciale in resina  morbida e bronzo
Bracciale in resina morbida e bronzo

Orecchini in resina  morbida e bronzo
Orecchini in resina morbida e bronzo

Orecchini in resina  morbida e bronzo della collezione LouLou
Orecchini in resina morbida e bronzo della collezione LouLou

Collana Hi Lands
Collana Hi Lands

Collana della Roger collection
Collana della Roger collection

Collana con elementi grandi
Collana con elementi grandi

Chreo a surprise

The amazing creations (one in particular) of the Neapolitan designer with nickname Chreo
On its website, she begins: “My name is Daniela Montella, but call me Chreo.” This stage name, which sounds as create verb plus an ‘h’, has its reason in the curriculum of the designer: Maturity of Art degree in applied section Metals and Jewelery Institute of Art in Naples, then apprentice in several workshops in contact with different master craftsmen, and different techniques.
Daniela Montella tells always that these experiences have taught her to build nineteenth century style jewelry, Art Deco, the Fifties. In short: she is not one of those designers who have an idea, draw a sketch on a paper and then leave to the goldsmiths the task of creating the collections. She, true artisan training, knows the problems and rules to follow to traformare ideas into jewelry. And her jewelery is made with the technique of casting and roughly assembled and finished by hand. The colored elements, peculiarities of the line, are made of resin. According to his description, the process is long and complex: mixing the pigments to obtain the desired color, the casting, with attention to avoid the threatening presence of air bubbles, the numerous finishing stages …
It should be added a chapter to explain the name, unusual, one of his collections: shit. It’s a wish of successful used in many countries among actors in the theater. The origin comes from the time when you went to the theater with horse-drawn carriages. If the show was a success and goings of cocci it was remarkable, as well as the amount of excrement that animals left on the road and that the public, unwittingly, introduced inside the hall. More people intervened, there were more droppings, as well as to the success of the show. So Chreo has thought of a collection auspicious jewelry containing horse manure. But sealed in the resin, is meant. Giulia Netrese

Anello della collezione Hypnos quadrato
Anello della collezione Hypnos quadrato, argento e resina
Anello della collezione Hypnos con tondi
Anello della collezione Hypnos con tondi, argento e resina
Ciondolo in argento e resina con sterco di cavallo
Ciondolo in argento e resina con sterco di cavallo
Ciondolo della collezione Hypnos
Ciondolo della collezione Hypnos
Pendente in argento e resina della collezione Hypnos
Pendente in argento e resina della collezione Hypnos
Pendente double face in argento, con la scritta di una bambina e una goccia di sangue del padre
Pendente double face in argento, con la scritta di una bambina e una goccia di sangue del padre
Pendente in argento e resina che contiene acqua di mare di Capo Miseno e sabbia
Pendente in argento e resina che contiene acqua di mare di Capo Miseno e sabbia

Necklace or candy?


[wzslider]Remember the candy bracelets? It was every’s little child dream but, it seems, continue to be appreciated by the older girls. As the Scottish designer, Rosie Kimber, which creates earrings, necklaces, rings and brooches made ​​of brass, resin, silicone and crystal sugar in abstract forms, but composed of elements so colorful they seem edible. The shades are lit: fluorescent pink, orange sorbet, candied violet, all inviting colors such as sweets of childhood. Not surprisingly, the collection was called Sugar. But do not let yourself be tempted: they are stodgy. L.A.


Barela mediterranea


Barela mediterranean

The jewels of the Roman designer Giulia Barela have an instantly recognizable mark, the one of Mediterranean art. You can always wear them, but looking at them reminded sea and summer. Among the new pieces, a ring with sea serpent, the one with wings leaning on two fingers, enamel deep green earrings as the water of the Mediterranean, those with a pattern that resembles a sponge and the shield-shaped antique flavor. Here are photos and prices.





L’estate calda di Dudu

[wzslider]Se un’amica vi dice che va pazza per Dudu non fate gaffe: non si tratta del piccolo cane di Silvio Berlusconi e Francesca Pascale. Dudu Prêt à Porter è, invece, un affermato brand di bijoux, nato nel 2005. Ora Dudu (il brand, non il cane) presenta la nuova collezione estiva. Collane, orecchini, pendenti, ciondoli sono di resina. Facili da portare, facili da lavare, facili da conservare anche con il sole, il mare e il vento. La collezione estiva segue diversi temi: soggetti marinari (stelle, cavallucci marini e pesci), ma anche bracciali lisci, che affidano tutto l’interesse al colore: rosso, azzurro, ma anche giallo e blu oltremare. I prezzi, che riportiamo nelle didascalie sotto le immagini, sono davvero alla portata di tutti. Lavinia Andorno 

ukThe hot summer of Dudu 

If a friend tells you that go crazy for Dudu, dont say a gaffe: it is not the little dog of Silvio Berlusconi and Francesca Pascale. Dudu Prêt à Porter is, instead, a well-known jewelry brand, born in 2005. Dudu (the brand, not the dog) introduces now the new summer collection. Necklaces, earrings, pendants, charms, all made in resin. Easy to wear, easy to wash, easy to store even with the sun, sea and wind. The summer collection follows several themes: nautical subjects (stars, seahorses and fish), but also smooth bracelets, which rely on all the interest in color: red, blue, yellow and blue but also blue like the sea. The prices, which are reported in the captions below the pictures, they are really affordable for everyone.

france-flagL’été chaud de Dudu 

Si un amie vous dit que elle est fou pour Dudu, ne fait vous pas gaffe: il n’est pas le petit chien de Silvio Berlusconi et Francesca Pascale. Dudu Prêt à Porter est, au contraire, une marque de bijoux connu, né en 2005. Dudu (la marque, pas le chien) présente aujourd’hui la nouvelle collection d’été. Colliers, boucles d’oreilles, pendentifs, breloques, tous fabriqués en résine. Facile à porter, facile à laver, facile à stocker, même avec le soleil, la mer et le vent. La collection d’été suite à plusieurs thèmes: les sujets marins (étoiles, hippocampes et poissons), mais aussi des bracelets lisses, qui s’appuient sur ​​tous les intérêts en couleur: rouge, bleu, jaune et bleu, mais aussi bleu comme la mer. Les prix, qui sont rapportées dans les légendes sous les photos, ils sont vraiment abordables pour tout le monde.

german-flagDer heiße Sommer von Dudu 

Wenn ein Freund sagt Ihnen, die verrückt für Dudu, nicht sagen, ein Fauxpas: Es ist nicht der kleine Hund von Silvio Berlusconi und Francesca Pascale. Prêt à Porter Dudu ist vielmehr ein bekannter Schmuck-Marke, im Jahr 2005 geboren. Dudu (die Marke, nicht der Hund) stellt nun die neue Sommer-Kollektion. Halsketten, Ohrringe, Anhänger, Anhänger, alle in Kunstharz. Leicht zu tragen, leicht zu waschen, einfach, sogar mit der Sonne, Meer und Wind zu speichern. Die Sommer-Kollektion folgt auf mehrere Themen: nautischen Themen (Sterne, Seepferdchen und Fisch), aber auch glatte Armbänder, die auf das große Interesse in der Farbe verlassen: rot, blau, gelb und blau, sondern auch blau wie das Meer. Die Preise, die in den Beschriftungen unter den Bildern berichtet werden, sind sie wirklich für jedermann erschwinglich.


Жаркое лето Дуду
Если друг говорит вам, что сходят с ума по Дуду, то не сказать оплошность: это не собачка Сильвио Берлускони и Франческа Паскаль. Дуду Pret A Porter, вместо этого, известный ювелирный бренд, родившийся в 2005 году. Дуду (бренд, а не собака) вводит теперь новый летнюю коллекцию. Колье, серьги, подвески, брелоки, все сделано в смоле. Легко носить, легко мыть, легко хранить даже с солнцем, морем и ветром.Летняя коллекция следующим несколько тем: морских субъекты (звезды, морские коньки и рыба), но и гладкие браслеты, которые полагаются на всех интерес к цвета: красный, синий, желтый и синий, но и синий, как море. Цены, которые сообщили в приведенных ниже фотографиях подписи, они действительно доступным для всех.

spagna-okEl caluroso verano de Dudu 

Si una amiga te dice que se vuelven locos por Dudu, no dicen una metedura de pata: no es el perrito de Silvio Berlusconi y Francesca Pascale. Dudu Prêt à Porter es, en cambio, una marca de joyería conocido, nacido en 2005. Dudu (la marca, no el perro) presenta ahora la nueva colección de verano. Collares, pendientes, colgantes, dijes, todos hechos en resina. Fácil de usar, fácil de lavar, fácil de almacenar, incluso con el sol, el mar y el viento. La colección de verano sigue a varios temas: temas náuticos (estrellas, caballitos de mar y peces), sino también pulseras lisas, que dependen de todo el interés por el color: rojo, azul, amarillo y azul, pero también azul como el mar. Los precios, que se presentan en los rubros por debajo de las imágenes, que son muy asequibles para todo el mundo.