anello - Page 97

The Roberto’s zoo for Jessica 

Jessica Kahawaty is an Australian model with a little ‘of Lebanese blood in his veins. It is also the spokesperson of the jewelry designer Roberto Coin, a Venetian who is most revered in the United States than at home. The company has recently presented its animal collection, and the result is this photo shoot that shows Jessica but also, of course, the jewelries designed by Coin. These are pieces intended for an audience that loves the tipical italian craft of the invoice value of the jewel, and also the materials used. In this case, in all its shades gold, precious stones and colored gemstones. All this in the most imaginative of personal zoo of Roberto Coin.

Jessica Kahawaty wears Lion Limited Edition Collection.
La Kahawaty con la Lion Limited Edition Collection

Princes’s jewels at Christie’s

The next auction at Christie’s is what it should have contained the jewelry of a chic woman, in the aristocratic Paris during Belle Èpoque: at least two pearl necklaces, two rings with diamonds, rubies and sapphires, a sutoir of small diamonds set in platinum, pearl and diamond earrings, three pins and a bracelet of diamonds and colored gemstones. All, of course, signed by the greatest jewelers of the capital, as Boivin, Cartier and Chaumet. That had very special guests: the provenance of certain lots, old pieces but still really modern, is princelP. For example, the clasp of a necklace of pearls is a gift from the last sovereign of France, Empress Eugenie, the soutoir belonged to Her Royal Highness, Princess Cécile Murat. While the ring by Chaumet, with a rare sapphire of Kashmir, was a property of the Duchess of Luynes, a family mentioned in history books, and even in the novels of Alexandre Dumas. In addition to this collection, many other signature such as Boucheron, Bulgari, Buccellati, Graff, Mauboussin, Tiffany and Van Cleef & Arpels. Of course, more recent, but no less elegant: they represent the taste and personality of women who have chosen them.  

Soutoir appartenuto alla principessa Cécile Murat con piccoli diamanti taglio antico alternati a brillanti più grandi, montati su platino. Stima 20 mila-30 mila euro
Soutoir appartenuto alla principessa Cécile Murat con piccoli diamanti taglio antico alternati a brillanti più grandi, montati su platino. Stima 20 mila-30 mila euro
Orecchini a forma di nodo con diamanti taglio antico montati su platino e oro grigio. Firmati Chaumet, sono un dono della principessa Alexandre Murat. Stima 7 mila- 10 mila euro
Orecchini a forma di nodo con diamanti taglio antico montati su platino e oro grigio. Firmati Chaumet, sono un dono della principessa Alexandre Murat. Stima 7 mila- 10 mila euro
Collana di perle naturali, con fermaglio in oro, zaffiro taglio cuscino e doppia fila di diamanti taglio antico, dono dell'imperatrice Eugenia per il fidanzamento del Principe Murat. Certificato Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie. Stima 150 mila - 200 mila euro
Collana di perle naturali, con fermaglio in oro, zaffiro taglio cuscino e doppia fila di diamanti taglio antico, dono dell’imperatrice Eugenia per il fidanzamento del Principe Murat. Certificato Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie. Stima 150 mila – 200 mila euro
Anello firmato Chaumet con un rubino taglio ovale di 3.119 carati e un diamante ovale taglio antico. Montatura in platino. Certificato dall'Institut Suisse de Gemmologie, evidenza le caratteristiche dei giacimenti birmani per il rubino e non riscontra alterazioni termiche. Stima 40 mila -60 mila euro
Anello firmato Chaumet con un rubino taglio ovale di 3.119 carati e un diamante ovale taglio antico. Montatura in platino. Certificato dall’Institut Suisse de Gemmologie, evidenza le caratteristiche dei giacimenti birmani per il rubino e non riscontra alterazioni termiche. Stima 40 mila -60 mila euro
Anello della duchessa de Luynes, ha uno zaffiro taglio cuscino di 7,05 carato con caratteristiche dei giacimenti del Cachemire e due diamanti a baguette sui lati montati su platino. Firmato da Chaumet. Certificato Gia non sono state riscontrate alterazioni termiche. Stima 150 mila – 200 mila euro
Anello della duchessa de Luynes, ha uno zaffiro taglio cuscino di 7,05 carato con caratteristiche dei giacimenti del Cachemire e due diamanti a baguette sui lati montati su platino. Firmato da Chaumet. Certificato Gia non sono state riscontrate alterazioni termiche. Stima 150 mila – 200 mila euro

Anello bling-bling da George Clooney

George Clooney con la partner, Amal Alamudin. Nel tondo, l'anello da 450 mila euro
George Clooney con la partner, Amal Alamudin. Nel tondo, l’anello da 450 mila euro
L'anello da 7 carati nell'immagine del settimanale People
L’anello da 7 carati nell’immagine del settimanale People
La copertina del giornale Usa
La copertina del giornale Usa

Un anello da 450mila euro (650 mila dollari). È quello che George Clooney ha regalato alla sua futura moglie, la londinese Amal Alamudin,36 anni. L’attore, secondo quanto racconta il settimanale People, che ha pubblicato anche le foto esclusive dell’engagement ring, ha scelto un grande diamante fancy a taglio smeraldo, da circa 7 carati. Una di quelle pietre che fanno i record alle aste di Christie’s e Sotheby’s, per intenderci. Qualcuno (ma probabilmente non Amal) ha storto il naso: troppo appariscente, troppo bling-bling, troppo nouveau riche. Insomma, l’eccesso di ricchezza non è chic. Ma chi lo rifiuterebbe un anello così? G.N. 

ukClooney’s bling-bling ring 

A ring that cost 450 thousand euro (650 thousand dollars). That’s what George Clooney has given to his future wife, Amal Alamudin, aged 36. The actor, according to People magazine, which also published exclusive photos of the engagement ring, he chose a great fancy to emerald cut diamond, approximately 7 carats. One of those stones that make the records at auction at Christie’s and Sotheby’s, for instance. Some (but probably not Amal) have turned their noses: too flashy, too much bling-bling, too nouveau riche. In short, the excess wealth is not chic. But who would refuse a ring like this?

france-flagL’anneau bling-bling de Clooney

Une bague qui a coûté € 450 000 (650 000 dollars). C’est ce que George Clooney a donné à sa future épouse, Amal Alamudin, 36 ans. L’acteur, selon le magazine People, qui a également publié des photos exclusives de la bague de fiançailles, il a choisi une grande fantaisie à diamant de taille émeraude, environ 7 carats. Une de ces pierres qui font les records aux enchères à Christie’s et Sotheby’s, par exemple. Certains (mais probablement pas Amal) ont tourné leur nez: trop flashy, trop bling-bling, trop nouveau riche. En bref, l’excès de richesse n’est pas chic. Mais qui refuserait un anneau comme celui-ci?

german-flagClooney Bling-Bling Ring 

Ein Ring der 450.000 € (650.000 Dollar) kosten. Das ist, was George Clooney hat seine zukünftige Frau, Amal Alamudin, im Alter von 36 gegeben. Der Schauspieler, der nach People-Magazin, das auch veröffentlicht exklusive Fotos von der Verlobungsring, wählte er eine große Fantasie Smaragdschliff Diamant, ca. 7 Karat. Einer dieser Steine​​, die die Datensätze machen bei einer Auktion bei Christie’s und Sotheby ‘s, zum Beispiel. Einige (aber wahrscheinlich nicht Amal) ihre Nasen um, zu schrill, zu viel Bling-Bling, zu Neureichen. Kurz gesagt, ist das überschüssige Reichtum nicht schick. Aber wer einen Ring wie diese verweigern würde?

flag-russiaПоказной кольцо Клуни 

Кольцо, стоить 450 000 евро (650 000 долларов). Это то, что Джордж Клуни дал своей будущей женой, Амаль Alamudin, в возрасте 36. Актер, по словам людей журнала, который также опубликовал эксклюзивные фотографии обручальное кольцо, он выбрал большой фантазии, чтобы сократить изумруд бриллиант, примерно 7 карат. Один из этих камней, которые делают записи на торгах Кристис и Сотбис, например. Некоторые (но, вероятно, не Амаль) превратились носы: слишком кричащие, слишком много Показной тоже нуворишей. Короче говоря, избыток богатство не шик. Но кто откажется кольцо, как это?

spagna-okEl anillo bling-bling de Clooney 

Un anillo que cuesta € 450.000 (650.000 dólares). Eso es lo que George Clooney ha dado a su futura esposa, Amal Alamudin, de 36 años de edad. El actor, según la revista People, que también publicó fotos exclusivas del anillo de compromiso, eligió un gran lujo para el diamante de corte esmeralda, a aproximadamente 7 quilates. Una de esas piedras que hacen los registros en una subasta en Christie’s y Sotheby’s, por ejemplo. Algunos (pero probablemente no Amal) han convertido sus narices: demasiado llamativo, demasiado bling-bling, demasiado nouveau riche. En pocas palabras, el exceso de riqueza no es chic. Pero, ¿quién se negaría un anillo como éste?

Ferragamo arcobaleno

Salvatore Ferragamo per una volta dimentica il cuoio utilizzato per scarpe, borse e oggetti di pelletteria: la sua nuova linea di gioielli punta tutto su metallo, pietre e colore. Insomma, sono di pura gioielleria, niente a vedere con l’attività che ha reso famoso il brand fiorentino. La collezione si chiama Rainbow, proprio a richiamare le tinte dell’arco in cielo. Ecco le immagine della collana in oro giallo e pietre dure (6mila euro) e dell’anello in oro giallo e pietre dure (2.900 euro). Per la collezione Rainbow sono utilizzate agata verde, calcedonio giallo, adularla, corallo, lilla, giada, diaspro, lapislazzuli. G.N.  

Anello in oro giallo e pietre dure (2.900 euro)
Anello in oro giallo e pietre dure (2.900 euro)
Collana in oro giallo e pietre dure (6mila euro)
Collana in oro giallo e pietre dure (6mila euro)

ukFerragamo Rainbow 

Salvatore Ferragamo for once forget the leather used for shoes, bags and leather goods: its new line of jewelry is betting everything on metal, stone and color. In short, they are pure jewelry, nothing to do with the activity that made the brand famous Florentine. The collection is called Rainbow, just to recall the colors of the arc in the sky. Here is the image of the necklace in yellow gold and semi-precious stones (6 thousand euro) and the ring in yellow gold and semi-precious stones (2,900 Euros). For the Rainbow collection are used green agate, chalcedony yellow, flatter, coral, lilac, jade, jasper, lapis lazuli.

france-flagFerragamo arc in ciel

Salvatore Ferragamo pour une fois oublier le cuir utilisé pour les chaussures, sacs, articles en cuir: sa nouvelle ligne de bijoux est tout sur ​​le métal, la pierre et la couleur pari. En bref, ils sont des bijoux pur, rien à voir avec l’activité qui a fait la célèbre marque florentine. La collection est appelée Rainbow, juste pour rappeler les couleurs de l’arc dans le ciel. Voici l’image du collier en or jaune et pierres semi-précieuses (€ 6000) et la bague en or jaune et pierres semi-précieuses (2900 Euros). Pour la collection arc sont utilisés agate verte, calcédoine jaune, plat, corail, lilas, jade, jaspe, lapis-lazuli.

german-flagFerragamo Reinbow 

Salvatore Ferragamo für einmal vergessen, das Leder für Schuhe, Taschen und Lederwaren verwendet: seine neue Linie von Schmuck ist alles Wetten auf Metall, Stein und Farbe. Kurz gesagt, sie sind reine Schmuck, nichts mit der Tätigkeit, die die Marke berühmt gemacht Florentiner zu tun. Die Sammlung wird als Reinbow, nur um die Farben der Lichtbogen in den Himmel erinnern. Hier ist das Bild der Kette in Gelbgold und Halbedelsteinen (6.000 €) und dem Ring in Gelbgold und Halbedelsteinen (2.900 Euro). Für die Reinbow-Sammlung verwendet werden grüner Achat, Chalcedon gelb, flacher, Koralle, Flieder, Jade, Jaspis, Lapislazuli.

flag-russiaFerragamo Радуга 

Salvatore Ferragamo на этот раз забыть кожа используется для обуви, сумок и кожаных изделий: его новая линия ювелирных изделий делает ставку все на металла, камня и цвета. Короче говоря, они являются чисто ювелирные изделия, ничего общего с деятельностью, которая сделала бренд известный флорентийский. Коллекция называется Радуга, просто вспомнить цвета дуги в небе. Вот образ ожерелье из желтого золота и полудрагоценных камней (6000 евро) и кольцом из желтого золота и полудрагоценных камней (2900 евро). Для сбора Радуга используются зеленый агат, халцедон желтый, льстить, коралл, сирень, нефрит, яшма, лазурит.

spagna-okFerragamo Rainbow 

Salvatore Ferragamo, por una vez olvidar el cuero utilizado para los zapatos, bolsos y artículos de piel: su nueva línea de joyería está apostando todo en el metal, la piedra y el color. En resumen, son joyas de puro, nada que ver con la actividad que hizo la famosa marca florentina. La colección se llama arco iris, sólo para recordar los colores del arco en el cielo. Aquí está la imagen del collar en oro amarillo y piedras semipreciosas (€ 6.000) y el anillo de oro amarillo y piedras semipreciosas (2.900 Euros). Para la colección Rainbow se utilizan verde ágata, calcedonia amarilla, más plano, coral, lila, jade, jaspe, lapislázuli.

È già tempo di mare con Misis

[wzslider]Aria di mare con Misis. In vista dell’estate il brand veneto propone la linea Gallipoli: la località pugliese è famosa anche per le attività legate alla pesca. Ed ecco che la linea propone originali gioielli che hanno la forma di un gamberetto. La serie Gallipoli comprende un anello in argento placcato oro 18 kt e argento brunito, zirconi bianchi, smalto e perla barocca d’acqua dolce (407 euro), una spilla in argento placcato oro 18 kt, zirconi bianchi, smalto (82 euro), gemelli in argento placcato oro 18 kt, zirconi bianchi, smalto (200 euro). M.d.B. 

ukIt’s already sea time for Misis 

Sea air with Misis. In view of the summer, the the Venetian brand offers the collection Gallipoli: the Apulian town is also famous for its fishing activities. And here is the line that offers original jewelry that have the shape of a shrimp. The Gallipoli series includes a silver ring 18 kt, gold plated and burnished silver, cubic zirconia, enamel and pearl baroque freshwater (407 eur), a brooch in silver 18 kt, gold plated, cubic zirconia, enamel (82 eur),  cufflinks silver 18 kt gold plated, cubic zirconia, enamel (200 eur).

france-flagC’est déjà l’heure de la mer pour Misis 

Air de la mer avec Misis. En vue de l’été, la marque vénitienne propose la collection Gallipoli: la ville des Pouilles est également célèbre pour ses activités de pêche. Et voici la ligne qui propose des bijoux originaux qui ont la forme d’une crevette. La série Gallipoli comprend une bague en argent 18 kt, plaqué or et bruni argent, la zircone cubique, émail et perles d’eau douce baroque (407 eur), une broche en argent 18 kt, plaqué or, la zircone cubique, émail (82 eur), boutons de manchette en argent 18 kt plaqué or, la zircone cubique, émail (200 eur).

german-flagEs ist schon Zeit für Meer Misis 

Meerluft mit Misis. Angesichts der Sommer bietet die der venezianische Marke die Kollektion Gallipoli: Die apulischen Stadt ist auch berühmt für seine Fischerei-Aktivitäten. Und hier ist die Linie, die originellen Schmuck, der die Form einer Garnele haben bietet. Der Gallipoli-Serie umfasst ein Silberring 18 kt vergoldet und gebürsteter Silber, Zirkonia, Emaille und Perlen barocken Süßwasser (407 Euro), eine Brosche in Silber 18 kt vergoldet, Zirkonia, Emaille (82 eur), Manschettenknöpfe Silber 18 kt vergoldet, Zirkonia, Emaille (200 eur).

flag-russiaЭто уже время на море для Мисис 

Морской воздух с Мисис. В связи с летом, венецианская марка предлагает сбор Галлиполи: Апулии город также славится своими рыболовства. А вот линия, которая предлагает оригинальные украшения, которые имеют форму креветок. Серия Галлиполи включает серебряное кольцо 18 тыс. т, позолоченные и полированный серебро, кубического циркония, эмаль и жемчуг барокко пресной воды (407 евро), брошь в серебро 18 тыс. т, позолоченные, кубический цирконий, эмаль (82 евро), запонки серебро 18 тыс. т позолоченные, кубического циркония, эмаль (200 евро).

spagna-okYa es tiempo de mar para Misis 

Aire de mar con Misis. En vista del verano, el de la marca veneciana ofrece la colección Gallipoli: la ciudad de Apulia es también famosa por sus actividades de pesca. Y aquí está la línea que ofrece la joyería original que tiene la forma de un camarón. La serie Gallipoli incluye un anillo de plata de 18 quilates, oro y plata bruñida, zirconia cúbico, esmalte y perlas de agua dulce barroca (407 eur), un broche en plata 18 kt, oro plateado, zirconia cúbico, esmalte (82 eur), gemelos de plata 18 kt oro plateado, zirconia cúbico, esmalte (200 eur).

In the name of the Rose

It’s true: a necklace too heavy can be tiring. Rosa Castelbarco chose a light solution, also by the merger of unconventional materials. Her jewels are born from the assembly of thin brass chains with rhodium and silver plunge. The jewelry is embellished on request with cubic zirconia or minerals. The necklaces lengthen or shorten, favoring their own style. The collection, which is called as the designer, Rosa, also belong to band bracelets with locking door, earrings separable (can be simple round), rings personalized. The idea is to offer a collection easy, which is good at any time. A few words about Rosa Castelbarco. The young designer brings a surname of a noble family. “She is Born” the people say in Milan, to indicate a pedigree of prestige. The full name is Rosa Castelbarco Albani: the origin of the family as far back as the year 1000. Rosa, 25 years, after completing her studies at the Catholic University in Milan, studied at the New York Film Academy, United States. Back in Milan, has taken the first steps in the fashion world with her ​​cousin Laura and Orietta Doria Lamba. Now he made his debut in the world of jewelry, but it alone.

Catena in ottone bagnato in rodio e argento
Catena in ottone bagnato in rodio e argento
Collana, collezione Rosa Castelbarco
Collana, collezione Rosa Castelbarco
Bracciali in ottone bagnato in rodio e argento
Bracciali in ottone bagnato in rodio e argento
Orecchini con catene pendenti
Orecchini con catene pendenti
Bracciale, collezione Rosa
Bracciale, collezione Rosa



Volcanic Pesavento

[wzslider]Glossy like ceramic, but as hard as marble, it will be for this reason that the volcanic rock Kolong is increasingly popular with jewelers? Yes, provided that it is as pure as those used by Pesavento for the new line Charme. Large and spectacular rings whose style is focused on a delicate pink shade opalin, or on a dark obsidian, on a translucent quartz or on amethyst with intense hues. All are calibrécut stones, to adapt perfectly to the frame, in this case rose gold 750 and practically invisible. The novelty of the gold collection in 2014 is not only creative but also strategic: instead of being limited edition as in the past, it is for all retailers in a logic of the selected distribution. The reason why is simple: if the Vicenza- based company offers products at affordable prices (from 200 to 1500 Euros), with Polvere di Sogni, Pixel, Safari and Dna collections, all best-selling renowed each year, it is always a process with characteristic goldsmith, for hightarget stores. Where are they? Quite everywhere: all around Europe, in Latin America, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and since a few months in the United States, too. Matilde de Bounvilles



Pasquale Bruni, lemon Bon Ton

New Bon Ton for Pasquale Bruni. The opportunity for «good manners» in the form of jewelry has been Baselworld, where the Maison unveiled new pieces of the collection: Bon Ton special edition in Lemon Fluo. The floral inlay visible on the back of each jewel is the distinctive character of the house, but in this case it is also a color “acid” to attract attention: Lemon Bon Ton Fluo has a paved diamonds, and gems with irregular facets in a pistil cabochon. Earrings and rings add a choker necklace with stone single and three strands of gold enriched with diamonds shuttles, recall the symbols of the brand. The stones used are milky quartz, smoky quartz and rose quartz. What’s new collection for the other queen, Sissi (in honor of the Austrian queen wife of Franz Joseph). The new entry is called Sissi Black and White and results in the use of kogolong, clear and nell’onice gem, the stone of courage. The theme that characterizes the collection crown adds another stone, spinel, alternating with white diamonds and blacks. The line also consists of rings and chains in sauté pan.

Sissi Black and White
Sissi Black and White

New flowers for Pasquale Bruni

Shop di Pasquale Bruni all'interno del building Brian & Barry
Shop di Pasquale Bruni all’interno del building Brian & Barry

The opening of a new store, the one in the super store & Brian Barry ( What better time to introduce new pieces of its production? And that’s what he decided Pasquale Bruni, who presented the new creations of the line Bon Ton ( has seen in preview. The Bon Ton collection is characterized by a design that comes from the five-pointed flower, symbol of the maison. Among other things, a design in harmony with the spring. The jewelry is characterized by pastel colors, with rose quartz, milky and brown. But even with full pavé rose gold and white and brown diamonds, white gold and white diamonds and white gold with diamonds blacks.


Anelli Bon Ton con pavé
Anelli Bon Ton con pavé



Pasquale Bruni’s Bon Ton

Pasquale Bruni, Maison overlooking the Via Manzoni in Milan , renews its line Bon Ton. At the last VicenzaOro, the brand, which opened its stand with the pavilions of the exhibition , presented his collection that combines the classic five-pointed flower with rose quartz, milky quartz and quartz brown. Besides these gems , there are plenty of pavé diamonds whites, blacks and brown, pink or white gold together. Bon ton: means good manners. In essence, the ability to be in the company in a pleasant and sociable. Even with appropriate clothing. And here’s rings, bracelets with one or three stones, earrings contrarier or lobe , the thin necklaces also a double turn , enriched by two, four or six stones. And scarves golden three chains, decorated with a precious flower – button quartz or diamond . “The collection Bon Ton offers versatile jewelry for a touch of style romantic flavor as well as sports,” says Eugenia Bruni, creative director of the jewellery house . “They are meant to be worn as scarves precious gold on the skin, to illuminate light and feminine sensuality cleavage. Long necklace of diamonds to match a suit for a casual look. Long chains multi flower to wear in the simplicity of a mesh free Mock, playful style of the 20s or rocker with a t -shirt. Bon Ton is a valuable to always carry, able to accompany the woman in all the special moments of her day.”

Collezione Bon Ton, orecchini con milky quartz
Collezione Bon Ton, orecchini con milky quartz
Anello con quarzo rosa
Anello con quarzo rosa
Bracciale con quarzo rosa e bianco
Bracciale con quarzo rosa e bianco
Orecchini con diamanti bianchi e brown
Orecchini con diamanti bianchi e brown
Orecchini con diamanti bianchi e brown
Orecchini con diamanti bianchi e brown
Collane con quarzo rosa, bianco e fumé
Collane con quarzo rosa, bianco e fumé
Collezione Bon Ton, anello con diamanti bianchi e brown
Collezione Bon Ton, anello con diamanti bianchi e brown
Anelli con quarzo bianco e fumé
Anelli con quarzo bianco e fumé
Anello con diamanti neri e bianchi
Anello con diamanti neri e bianchi
Pasquale Bruni, collezione Sissi, anelli
Pasquale Bruni, collezione Sissi, anelli
Anello Sissi
Anello Sissi
Bracciali della collezione Sissi
Bracciali della collezione Sissi


Seven women for Cartier


It was launched this summer with great expenditure of means. Now the collection of Nouvelle Vague Cartier is ready for the season of gold jewelry, winter. La Nouvelle Vague Collection, inspired by the architecture of Paris of 1930 and consists of seven different lines to reflect the mood of seven types of Parisian women: Delicate, Emancipated, Glamorous, Impish, Sparkling, Voluptuous and Mischievous. In Italian nasty, Formosa, Malandrina, Emancipated, Sparkling, glamorous and delicate. Each adjective corresponds to a line of jewelry. In addition to proposing the images of some piece particularly attractive, Cartier has created some movies in carrying images of the female types of collections. Who knows how many women find themselves in these seven images of women?


Pasquale Bruni crowns Sissi

Pasquale Bruni, brand king of the rich jewelry of color and imagination, fresh from the latest edition of VicenzaOro award, presented her latest collections in Milan. Godmother of baptism was Ornella Muti and the godfather photographer Giovanni Gastel, who also built the communication campaign. Several news for autumn-winter: Today we offer you a collection I love Sissi, a name that evokes the splendor of the Habsburgs and the romantic charm of the Empress of Austria, whose full name was Elisabeth Amalia Eugenia von Wittelsbach. The collection includes bracelets, necklaces and earrings with crowns of precious stones and diamonds. News also in shades that characterize the precious: London blue topaz and quartz Madeira. The idea is to offer jewelry that are mettibili every day, perhaps for the woman who travels for work. While amethyst and quartz Milky fade away in a softer tone. In the coming days the other innovations of the house. Matilde de Bounvilles

Anello con ametista e quarzo milky Sissi Io Amo
Anello con ametista e quarzo milky Sissi Io Amo
Anelli Sissi, dimensione media
Anelli Sissi, dimensione media
Anelli della collezione Sissi
Anelli della collezione Sissi
Orecchini pendentio Sissi io amo, con quarzo milky, ametiste e diamanti su oro rosa
Orecchini pendentio Sissi io amo, con quarzo milky, ametiste e diamanti su oro rosa
Pasquale Bruni, collier Sissi Io Amo
Pasquale Bruni, collier Sissi Io Amo
Pasquale Bruni, bracciale con ametiste e quarzo milky
Pasquale Bruni, bracciale con ametiste e quarzo milky
Pendente a croce con topazi blu e quarzo madera
Pendente a croce con topazi blu e quarzo madera
Orecchini con topazi blu
Orecchini con topazi blu
Anello con topazio blu e quarzo madera
 Anello con topazio blu e quarzo madera
Bracciale Sissi Io Amo
Bracciale Sissi Io Amo

(Italiano) Bulgari, anello in 60 secondi

Il classico, godurioso, anello di Bulgari visto da vicino in un filmato breve ma piacevole. Per scoprire la bellezza di un gioiello diventato un classico del catalogo della maison romana passata sotto le insegne della francese Lvmh. Si tratta degli anelli B.zero1, che traggono ispirazione dal design Tubogas, la tecnica artistica divenuta uno degli emblemi del marchio.

ukBulgari in 60 seconds
The classic, gorgeous ring, Bulgari seen up close in a movie short, but pleasant. To discover the beauty of a jewel became a classic of the catalog of Roman fashion house passed under the banner of the French LVMH.

france-flagBulgari en 60 secondes
La classique bague Bulgari voir de près dans un film court, mais agréable. Pour découvrir la beauté d’un bijou est devenu un classique du catalogue de la maison de mode romaine passé sous la bannière de l’LVMH.

german-flagBulgari in 60 Sekunden
Die klassische Ring, Bulgari aus der Nähe gesehen in einem Film kurz, aber angenehm. Um die Schönheit der ein Juwel zu entdecken wurde zu einem Klassiker des Katalogs der römischen Modehaus unter dem Banner der Französisch LVMH übergeben.

flag-russiaBulgari за 60 секунд

Классический кольцо Bulgari видел близко в кино короткий, но приятный. Чтобы открыть для себя красоту драгоценного камня стал классиком каталоге римского дома моды прошла под знаменем французского LVMH.

(Italiano) Hermès, compleanno d’argento

Anelli, bracciali, argento: una collezione eccezionale, perché è quella che celebra i 75 anni di Hermès. Una collezione dove la catena dell’ancora si trasforma motivi ornamentali, in gioielli preziosi. Ma Hermès non si ferma qui nella celebrazione e ha chiesto al collettivo United Visual Artist di allineare la tradizione alla tecnologia. Il risultato è un impiego dei laser, che accarezzano il metallo, disegnano volumi, proiezioni e suoni. È tutto in questo filmato, da non perdere. Giulia Netrese

ukHèrmes, silver birthday 

Rings, bracelets, silver: an exceptional collection, because it is one that celebrates 75 years of Hermès. A collection where the anchor chain becomes ornamental motifs in precious jewels. But Hermes does not stop there in the celebration and asked the collective United Visual Artist of the true tradition to technology. The result is lasers, caressing the metal, draw volumes, projections and sounds. It’s all in this movie, do not miss.

france-flagHermès, anniversaire d’argent 

Bagues, bracelets, argent: une collection exceptionnelle, car il est celui qui fête ses 75 ans d’Hermès. Une collection où la chaîne de l’ancre devient motifs ornementaux en pierres précieuses. Mais Hermès ne s’arrête pas là dans la célébration et a demandé aux États artiste visuel collective de la véritable tradition à la technologie. Le résultat sont lasers, caressant le métal, dessiner des volumes, des projections et des sons. Tout est dans ce film, ne manquez pas.

german-flagHermes, Geburtstag mit Silber 

Ringe, Armbänder, Silber: eine außergewöhnliche Sammlung, denn es ist eine, die 75 Jahre Hermès feiert. Eine Sammlung, wo die Ankerkette wird ornamentale Motive in kostbaren Juwelen. Aber Hermes ist noch nicht alles in der Feier und bat die kollektive Großbildender Künstler der wahren Tradition zur Technik. Das Ergebnis ist eine Laser, streichelt die Metall, ziehen Bände, Projektionen und Klängen. Es ist alles in diesem Film nicht verpassen.

flag-russiaHermes, день рождения серебро 

Кольца, браслеты, серебро: уникальная коллекция, потому что это тот, который празднует 75-летие Hermès. Коллекция где якорная цепь становится орнаментальные мотивы в драгоценные камни. Но Гермес не останавливаться на достигнутом в праздновании и спросил коллективный Соединенные художник истинной традиции к технологии. Результатом является  лазеры, лаская металл, рисовать объемы, прогнозы и звуки. Это все в этом фильме, не пропустите.

spagna-okHermes, cumpleaños de plata 

Anillos, pulseras, plata: una colección excepcional, porque es una que celebra 75 años de Hermès. Una colección donde la cadena del ancla se convierte en motivos ornamentales en joyas preciosas. Pero Hermes no se queda ahí en la fiesta y le preguntó al colectivo Reino Artista Visual de la verdadera tradición de la tecnología. El resultado es un láser, acariciando el metal, dibujar volúmenes, proyecciones y sonidos. Todo está en esta película, no se pierda.

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