Gabriella Rivalta

The little works of Gabriella Rivalta

Handcrafted bijoux, hand-painted pendants, fairy tale book fantasies: Gabriella Rivalta’s new jewels

In Cascina Centofinestre, an old renovated rural building in the heart of Piedmont, in Monferrato, Gabriella Rivalta revives those atmospheres found in those places where traditions are jealously cultivated. White lace tablecloths, a candelabra, a solid wood table: if you like vintage style, popular culture, almanacs and glass jars with candies inside, you will be fascinated by the small Gabriella Rivalta jewels.

Orecchini dipinti a mano con smalti a gran fuoco su sagoma in rame e oro 18 carati
Orecchini dipinti a mano con smalti a gran fuoco su sagoma in rame e oro 18 carati

Except that in this case his creations are not only the result of a taste for the jewel of a century ago, but a graft between a popular style, made of angels and flowers, with an artisan creativity, which composes each piece with patience, skills and an inexhaustible series of variations on the theme. From this working method it also follows that each piece is something that is unique. There may be similar jewels, but not the same. Also because the miniatures, which are the heart of the jewels, are made up of experts who paint the individual pieces that are joined to chains and supports in gold. Finally, to protect the small works, it is spread over a transparent enamel. The result is necklaces, pendants, rings: small works of art to wear.

Bracciale Angioletto con oro e smalto
Bracciale Angioletto con oro e smalto
Collana Cyprea Bianca con zaffiri, quarzo citrino, ametrino, quarzi lemon, ametiste, perle,  australiane e giapponesi, oro bianco e diamanti
Collana Cyprea Bianca con zaffiri, quarzo citrino, ametrino, quarzi lemon, ametiste, perle, australiane e giapponesi, oro bianco e diamanti
Collana in oro 18 carati con viola dipinta a mano con smalti a gran fuoco, perle naturali, ametista, tanzanite centrale
Collana in oro 18 carati con viola dipinta a mano con smalti a gran fuoco, perle naturali, ametista, tanzanite centrale
Girocollo Angioletti
Girocollo Angioletti
Orecchini con smalti a gran fuoco
Orecchini con smalti a gran fuoco

Orecchini Angioletto
Orecchini Angioletto

Half a century of enamels with Gabriella Rivalta

Gabriella Rivalta’s hand-painted jewels with colored enamel on gold or silver turn 50 years ♦ ︎

Laughing and brushing have passed 50. On the other hand, when you work and have fun, when you are creative, when you live in an environment of your own, time passes quickly. It was 1969 when the young Gabriella Rivalta decided to dedicate herself body and soul to painting. But instead of canvas she chose metal, gold. And instead of tempera or oil colors, she opted for enamels.

Of course, it is not easy to paint many jewels by hand, one by one. But this is what this small atelier does in an ancient farmhouse building in Casale Monferrato, deep in Piedmont.

Pendente Gatto Persiano Grigio
Pendente Gatto Persiano Grigio

A completely peaceful place, out of time just like Gabriella Rivalta’s illuminated gold jewels: pendants, bracelets, necklaces that have nature as their main subject, but not only. For jewels of an explicitly romantic nature, which seems to have come directly from a century ago, the little Maison has over time added even more modern pieces, but always characterized by hand finishing, which makes the jewels different from one another. Prices: the bracelets with leather lace and painted silver pendants start at around 250 euros, up to the coordinated necklace and earrings set in 18-carat gold, hand-painted pink with high-fire enamels, pearls and central ruby, which reaches 1790 euros. Giulia Netrese

Bracciale in argento, cuoio e quattro ciondoli
Bracciale in argento, cuoio e quattro ciondoli
Collana e orecchini in oro 18 carati con rose dipinte a mano, perle, un rubino
Collana e orecchini in oro 18 carati con rose dipinte a mano, perle, un rubino
Orecchini dipinti a mano su rame
Orecchini dipinti a mano su rame
Girocollo con cinque ciondoli in argento rodiato
Girocollo con cinque ciondoli in argento rodiato
Orecchini smaltati su rame e marchietto in oro
Orecchini smaltati su rame e marchietto in oro
Pendente con Yorkshire terrier
Pendente con Yorkshire terrier

Gabriella top secret

After the secret moon here is the secret garden by Gabriella Rivalta. Secret to a certain point, however, given that you can see have the images of the collection: trees, flowers branches,  the silhouette of a fairy-tale palace, are reproduced in illuminated gold and precious stones, which represent a dreamlike vision of nature. Among oriental symbols and literary appeals, such as the collection of short stories The Thousand and One Nights, for the Tuscan artist rings, bracelets and charms are fairy talismans to entrust desires and dreams. An imaginary world where mystery, beauty and poetry are mixed. Illuminated gold ring hand painted. Price: 1,960 euros. Bracelet with cotton cord woven by hand, gold chain and illuminated gold charms hand-painted. Price: 3,250 euros. Collier with threads of quartz and tourmaline, gold chain and illuminated gold charms by hand in which they are suspended diamonds and sapphires stars. Price: 5,550 euros.

Gabriella Rivalta, il Giardino Segreto: anello Mille e una notte
Gabriella Rivalta, il Giardino Segreto: anello Mille e una notte
Il Giardino Segreto: bracciale Mille e una notte
Gabriella Rivalta, il Giardino Segreto: bracciale Mille e una notte
Il Giardino Segreto: collana Mille e una notte
Gabriella Rivalta, il Giardino Segreto: collana Mille e una notte

Il fantastico mondo di Gabriella Rivalta

[wzslider]Ecco la nuova collezione dedicata all’estate di Gabriella Rivalta. Gioielli smaltati a mano che riprendono i disegni dal tratto inconfondibile dell’artista piemontese e raffigurano frutta succosa, abitanti del mare e della terra.  E la natura assume un aspetto giocoso, incantato con  l’ippocampo dalla buffa forma, lo squalo che sembra innocuo, la libellula più leggera che mai e un esotico tucano.  Gli anelli frutta della linea Melodoro in argento miniato a mano costano 150 euro,  gli orecchini libellula in oro miniato con calcedonio e acquamarina 770 euro, il pendente tucano in oro miniato 168 euro e i charm marini partono da 220 euro. M.d.B 

ukThe Amazing World of Gabriella Rivalta

Here is the new collection dedicated to the summer of Gabriella Rivalta. Hand enameled jewelry that reflect the artist’s from Piedmont unmistakable character and depict juicy fruit, the inhabitants of the land and the sea. Nature takes on a playful, enchanted with the funny shape of the hippocampus, the shark that seems harmless, the dragonfly lighter than ever and an exotic toucan. The fruit of the rings online Melodoro silver hand- miniature cost 150 €, dragonfly earrings in gold miniature with chalcedony and aquamarine 770 Euros, the toucan pendant in gold miniature 168 € and marine charms start from € 220.

france-flagLe monde fantastique de Gabriella Rivalta

Voici la nouvelle collection dédiée à l’été de Gabriella Rivalta. Main bijoux émaillés qui reflètent des conceptions équivoques de l’artiste du Piémont et représentent fruits juteux, les habitants de la terre et de la mer. Et la nature prend une apparence ludique, enchanté de la forme drôle de l’hippocampe, le requin qui semble inoffensif, la libellule plus léger que jamais et un toucan exotique. Les bagues de fruits, de la ligne Melodoro, en argent miniature coûtent 150€, boucles d’oreille de libellule en or miniature avec calcédoine et aigue-marine de 770 Euros, le pendentif toucan en or miniature 168 € et début de charme marin à partir de € 220.

german-flagDie fantastisch Welt von Gabriella Rivalta 

Hier ist die neue Kollektion auf den Sommer von Gabriella Rivalta gewidmet. Hand emaillierte Schmuckstücke, die die Künstlerin aus dem Piemont unverwechselbaren Charakter und saftige Früchte zeigen, die Bewohner des Landes und das Meer reflektieren. Die Natur nimmt auf einem spielerisch, verzaubert mit dem lustigen Aussehen Form des Hippocampus, der Hai, der harmlos scheint, der Libelle leichter als je zuvor und eine exotische Tukan. Die Fruchtringe der Online Melodoro in Silber hand Miniatur kostet 150 €, Libelle Ohrringe in Gold Miniatur mit Chalcedon und Aquamarin 770 Euro, den Tukan-Anhänger in Gold 168 € Miniatur-und Meeres Reize beginnen ab 220 €.

flag-russiaУдивительный мир Gabriella Rivalta

Вот новая коллекция посвящена летом Gabriella Rivalta. Рука эмалированные украшения, которые отражают художника из Пьемонта безошибочный характер и изображают сочные фрукты, жителей земли и на море. Природа берет на игривом, заколдованном появления с забавным форме гиппокампа, акулы, которая, кажется безвредным, стрекозы легче, чем когда-либо и экзотической тукан. Фруктовые кольца онлайн Melodoro в серебряной ручной миниатюре стоить 150 €, стрекозы серьги в золотой миниатюры с халцедона и аквамарин 770 евро, в тукан кулон в золото миниатюрный 168 € и морские прелести начинаются от € 220.

spagna-okEl fantástico mundo de Gabriella Rivalta

Esta es la nueva colección dedicada al verano de Gabriella Rivalta. Mano de la joyería esmaltada que reflejan los diseños inconfundibles del artista de Piamonte y representan fruta jugosa, los habitantes de la tierra y el mar. Y la naturaleza adquiere un juguetón, encantado con la forma divertida del hipocampo, el tiburón que parece inofensivo, la libélula más ligero que nunca y un tucán exótico. El fruto del costo plata iluminada a mano los anillos en línea Melodoro 150 €, pendientes de la libélula de oro iluminado con calcedonia y aguamarina 770 Euros, el colgante tucán en oro iluminado 168 € y comienzo encanto marino desde € 220.