
Manga style for Baccarat


Baccarat Crystal is a French manufacturer of fine crystal and jewelery items. It is based in the town from which it takes its name: Baccarat, in France. It is a company with a long tradition, so much so that it has two museums: the Baccarat Museum of Baccarat, Meurthe-et-Moselle and the Baccarat Museum of Paris on Place des États-Unis. Last year Baccarat presented Be@rbrick Baccarat, a collection inspired by the Japanese manga character.

Collana Be@rbrick indossata
Collana Be@rbrick indossata

For 2020 Be@rbrick Baccarat is now also available in a bijoux version. The object born of the daring collaboration of the French Maison with the Japanese brand Medicom Toy, has been transformed into a street style bijoux look. The image of the manga character has been reinterpreted by various contemporary artists, street artists, fashion designers, the iconic art toy inspired by the reproduction of Lego characters in the guise of a teddy bear. With a silver frame, Be@rbrick bijoux has been transformed into a necklace, earrings and brooch in transparent, red or black crystal. Prices: the necklace 390 euros, brooch 250 euros, earrings 350 euros.
Orecchino Be@rbrick indossato
Orecchino Be@rbrick indossato

Baccarat also asked artist-designer Jaime Hayon to add his touch to the Pop Ring, Baccarat’s bestselling ring. The crystal has vibrant colors and a large volume, available in four colors: amber, peony, light blue, turquoise. Now the rings also feature Jaime Hayon decorations, engraved and gilded in pure gold. Pop Ring is part of Faunacrystopolis, the new collection of spectacular pieces on the border between design, art and decoration, conceived by Jaime Hayon for Baccarat.
Tre Pop Ring
Tre Pop Ring

Spilla Be@rbrick
Spilla Be@rbrick
Baccarat BEARBRICK rosso collana
Collana Be@rbrick
Orecchini Be@rbrick
Orecchini Be@rbrick

Pop Ring decorato da Jaime Hayon
Pop Ring decorato da Jaime Hayon

Baccarat, crystal virtuosity

The new collection by French Maison Baccarat signed by designer Marie-Hélène de Taillac, made with colored crystals.
Crystals instead of precious stones. But crystals that sparkle like gemstones. In addition, there is the French designer Marie-Hélène de Taillac: the result is the new collection signed Baccarat. La Maison famous for its crystal objects has always paid great attention to the jewelry world, with collections often refined. In this case, with crystals shaped by cutting octagonal drops, Marie-Helene de Taillac has created a collection of fresh jewelry, varies and, of course, transparent. The prices, however, are not those cheap jewelry: silver or gold lock make it more precious earrings, necklaces and rings. A necklace in crystal and gold clip costs 3680 euro, while a ring with silver plated stem costs 730 euro. Alessia Mongrando

Collana di cristalli e oro. Prezzo: 3.680 euro
Collana di cristalli e oro. Prezzo: 3.680 euro

Collana di cristalli bianchi e oro. Prezzo: 3.680 euro
Collana di cristalli bianchi e oro. Prezzo: 3.680 euro
Collezione di Marie-Hélène De Taillac per Baccarat
Collezione di Marie-Hélène De Taillac per Baccarat
Collezione di Marie-Hélène De Taillac
Collezione di Marie-Hélène De Taillac
Orecchini Baccarat
Orecchini Baccarat. Prezzo: 1.570 euro
Anello in argento placcato e cristallo verde. Prezzo: 730 euro
Anello in argento placcato e cristallo verde. Prezzo: 730 euro
Anello in argento placcato e cristallo acquamarina. Prezzo: 730 euro
Anello in argento placcato e cristallo acquamarina. Prezzo: 730 euro

What shines at Emmy Awards

Challenge shots of fiction, but also duels between stars, fashion designers and jewelers. Emmy Awards, which awards prizes the best television series, also this year have been fighting not only for the audience, but also (and perhaps especially) on the red carpet, where the actresses have paraded. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, winning to character in a comedy series, has boasted two glittering diamond earrings signed Chopard, 28.78 carats set in platinum, and another 50 carats for its bracelets. Sofia Vergara did a dangle huge earrings LorraineSchwartz. The same jeweler chosen by Heidi Klum, who came to the ceremony in a set in yellow (color of choice for many celebrities). Jaime Alexander has instead opted for the viola, and for the Armani suit, for earrings Baccarat, Ariel Winter wore double ring and bracelet Gold Marli, Christina Hendricks earrings with onyx Maxior, Rachel Brosnahan diamond blacks for earrings and ring, Olivia Culpo in long earrings Yoko. For the record, full of Emmy (12) has made the series Game of Thrones. Here are some pictures from the catwalk of the Emmy 2015. Lavinia Andorno

Heidi Klum, abito Versace giallo, gioielli Lorraine Schwartz
Heidi Klum, abito Versace giallo, gioielli Lorraine Schwartz

Jackie Cruz con  una collana di Mattia -Cielo in oro rosa e diamanti
Jackie Cruz con una collana di Mattia -Cielo in oro rosa e diamanti
Jaime Alexander, in Armani e orecchini Baccarat
Jaime Alexander, in Armani e orecchini Baccarat
Kim Dickins con orecchini Jacob and Co
Kim Dickins con orecchini Jacob and Co
Lady Gaga, in compassato abito nero e grandi orecchini di diamanti
Lady Gaga, in compassato abito nero e grandi orecchini di diamanti
Morena Baccarin, orecchini di diamanti di  Harry Kotlar
Morena Baccarin, orecchini di diamanti di Harry Kotlar
Olivia Culpo, con orecchini di Yoko London
Olivia Culpo, con orecchini di Yoko London
Gli orecchini pendenti di Yoko indossati da Olivia Culpo
Gli orecchini pendenti di Yoko indossati da Olivia Culpo
Padma Lakshmi con orecchini pendenti di Fred Leighton
Padma Lakshmi con orecchini pendenti di Fred Leighton


Baccarat, 250 anni di Louxor

Gli ammiratori dei prodotti di cristalleria firmati Baccarat hanno due occasioni per vedere da vicino i loro pezzi preferiti. Due mostre, a Parigi, celebrano i 250 anni della maison francese. Che, per l’occasione, lancia una nuova serie di gioielli, di cui vedete le immagini. L’anello della collezione Louxor in vermeil e cristallo, i due orecchini pendenti e la vistosa collana. La prima mostra, Baccarat. La légende du cristal, è allestita dal 15 ottobre al 4 gennaio 2015, si tiene al Petit Palais di Parigi. All’interno delle Grandes Galeries sono visibili oltre 500 creazioni degli artigiani della Maison. Baccarat. La mostra, in sintonia con l’architettura del Petit Palais, eretto per l’Esposizione universale del 1900, presenta le creazioni di Baccarat ideate per le grandi esposizioni parigine tra il 1823 e il 1937, il periodo in cui l’azienda ha conquistato fama internazionale. Sempre a Parigi, Baccarat. Les 250 ans è una retrospettiva che espone circa 250 opere, allestita nella galleria-museo della Maison Baccarat a Parigi. Lavinia Andorno

Anello Louxor di Baccarat
Anello Louxor di Baccarat
Collana Louxor
Collana Louxor
Orecchini con pendenti Louxor
Orecchini con pendenti Louxor

Baccarat. La légende du cristal

Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris
Avenue Winston Churchill 75008
Da martedì a domenica, ore 10.00-18.00
Apertura serale il giovedì fino alle 20.00
Ticket: Adulti 11 euro


Baccarat. Les 250 ans

Fino al 24 gennaio 2015 
11 place des Etats-Unis – 75 116 Paris 
Metro Iéna (ligne 9) o Boissière (ligne 6) 
Aperto dal lunedì al sabato 10:00-06:00 
Chiuso la domenica, il martedì e nei giorni festivi. 
Ingresso: 7 € a persona 
Prezzo ridotto: 5 € a persona (gruppi e studenti con meno di 25 anni e candidati) 
Ingresso gratuito per le persone meno di 18 anni e persone disabili 
Tour di gruppo su prenotazione solo presso il Dipartimento Patrimonio (massimo: 15 persone) 

ukBaccarat, 250 years with Louxor

Admirers of products of signed Baccarat crystal have two opportunities to see up close their favorite pieces. Two exhibitions, in Paris, celebrate the 250th anniversary of the French crystals house. That, for the occasion, is launching a new range of jewelery, of which you see the images. The ring Louxor in vermeil and glass, two earrings and a eye-catching necklace. The first exhibition, Baccarat. La légende du cristal, on display until January 4, 2015, is at the Petit Palais in Paris. Inside the Grandes Galeries are visible over 500 artisan creations of the Maison Baccarat. The exhibition, in keeping with the architecture of the Petit Palais, built for the Universal Exhibition of 1900, presents the creations of Baccarat designed for large exhibitions in Paris between 1823 and 1937, the period in which the company has taken fame internationally. Also in Paris, Baccarat. 250 ans is a retrospective exhibits about 250 works, staged in the gallery-museum of the Maison Baccarat.

france-flagBaccarat, 250 ans avec Louxor 

Les admirateurs de produits de cristal de Baccarat ont deux occasions de voir de près leurs préférés. Deux expositions, à Paris, célèbrent le 250e anniversaire de la maison de cristaux français. Qui, pour l’occasion, lance une nouvelle gamme de bijoux, dont vous voyez les images. Il y a la bague Louxor en vermeil et verre, deux boucles d’oreilles et un collier accrocheur. La première exposition, Baccarat. La légende du cristal présentée jusqu’au 4 Janvier 2015 est au Petit Palais à Paris. À l’intérieur des Galeries Grandes sont visibles à plus de 500 créations d’artisans de la Maison Baccarat. L’exposition, en harmonie avec l’architecture du Petit Palais, construit pour l’Exposition universelle de 1900, présente les créations de Baccarat conçus pour de grandes expositions à Paris entre 1823 et 1937, la période pendant laquelle l’entreprise a pris la renommée à l’échelle internationale. Dans Paris, Baccarat, 250 ans est également une expositions rétrospectives sur 250 œuvres, mis en scène dans la galerie-musée de la Maison Baccarat.

german-flagBaccarat, 250 Jahre mit Louxor 

Bewunderer der Produkte von Baccarat Kristall haben zwei Möglichkeiten, die sich in der Nähe ihrer Lieblingsstücke zu sehen. Zwei Ausstellungen in Paris, feiern den 250. Jahrestag der Französisch Kristalle Haus. Das, für die Gelegenheit, startet eine neue Reihe von Schmuck, von dem Sie die Bilder zu sehen. Der Ring Louxor in Vermeil und Glas, zwei Ohrringen und einer auffälligen Halskette. Die erste Ausstellung, Baccarat. La légende du Kristall auf der Anzeige bis zum 4. Januar 2015 ist im Petit Palais in Paris. Innerhalb der Grandes Galeries sind über 500 Handwerker Kreationen von Maison Baccarat sichtbar. Die Ausstellung, die im Einklang mit der Architektur des Petit Palais, für die Weltausstellung von 1900 gebaut, präsentiert die Kreationen von Baccarat für große Ausstellungen in Paris zwischen 1823 und 1937 entworfen, der Zeitraum, in dem das Unternehmen international Ruhm genommen. Auch in Paris, Baccarat. 250 ans ist eine retrospektive Ausstellungen über 250 Werke, inszeniert in der Galerie-Museum der Maison Baccarat.

flag-russiaБаккара, 250 лет с Louxor 

Поклонники продукции Baccarat кристалла имеют две возможности, чтобы увидеть вблизи их любимые произведения. Две выставки в Париже, празднованию 250-летия Французской кристаллов доме. Это, по этому случаю, запускает новый ассортимент ювелирных изделий, из которых вы видите изображения. Кольцо Луксор в Vermeil и стекла, двух серьги и ожерелье привлекательный. Первая выставка, на дисплее до тех пор 4 января 2015, не является в Пти-Пале в Париже. Внутри Grandes Galeries видны более 500 ремесленных творений Maison Baccarat. Выставка, в соответствии с архитектурой Petit Palais, построенный для Всемирной выставки 1900 года, представлены творения Baccarat, предназначенные для крупных выставках в Париже между 1823 и 1937, период, в котором компания заняла известность на международном уровне. Кроме того, в Париже, баккара. 250 ANS является ретроспективный экспонаты около 250 работ, устроили в галерее-музее Maison Baccarat.

spagna-okBaccarat, 250 años con Louxor 

Los admiradores de los productos de cristal de Baccarat tienen dos oportunidades para ver de cerca sus piezas favoritas. Dos exposiciones, en París, celebran el 250 aniversario de la casa de cristales francesa. Eso, para la ocasión, es el lanzamiento de una nueva gama de joyas, de los cuales ves las imágenes. El anillo de Louxor en vermeil y vidrio, dos pendientes y un collar llamativo. La primera exposición, Baccarat. La légende du cristal en exhibición hasta el 04 de enero 2015, es en el Petit Palais de París. Dentro de las Galeries Grandes son visibles a más de 500 creaciones artesanales de la Maison Baccarat. La exposición, en armonía con la arquitectura del Petit Palais, construido para la Exposición Universal de 1900, presenta las creaciones de Baccarat diseñados para las grandes exposiciones en París entre 1823 y 1937, el período en el que la compañía ha tomado fama internacional. También en París, Baccarat, 250 ans es una retrospectiva exhibiciones sobre 250 obras, protagonizaron en la galería-museo de la Maison Baccarat.