Andrea Boldi

If the app is golden

Thanks to technology Oro Arezzo will soon become a virtual fair long 356 days. The project OroArezzo Gold App developed in partnership with Telecom Italia wants to be for the gold companies based in Arezzo a virtual showcase on the Web, through a platform designed to allow the presence in the network and provide information accessible via smartphones and tablets in real time, in foreign markets, especially as China and the Middle East. A tool for the internationalization of enterprises in the sector and to facilitate the direct approach between companies and buyers, «With OroArezzo Gold App we the only fair goldsmith visited all year round, an international showcase on line production 100% made in Italy, a true digital platform that brings together buyers, stakeholders, supply and demand, companies, trends and productions made in Italy», said Andrea Boldi, President of Arezzo Fairs and Congresses. During the presentation of the initiative it did not specify a precise date of launch of what, according to the designers, will have within it the biggest database of industry ever made, with information on companies, on the production and distribution systems. But for sure it will be free for exhibitors and accredited buyers. So, a real golden app. G.N.

Andrea Boldi, presidente di Arezzo Fiere
Andrea Boldi, presidente di Arezzo Fiere