Michael Kowalski

Tiffany under the Wall Street Journal lens


The Wall Street Journal‘s questions about Tiffany: where does the great American Maison go? Note: A few days after this article, Tiffany appointed Ceo Alessandro Bogliolo ♦

Read also: Alessandro Bogliolo is a new jewel of Tiffany
A few hours before a historic initiative for Tiffany, the movie with Lady Gaga broadcast during the Super Bowl in February 2017, the board of directors sent a message to Ceo Frederic Cumenal. Congratulations for the play of the pop singer? No: a letter of dismissal.
Starts from this episode a long article from the Wall Street Journal, the world’s leader of financial newspapers, which analyzes the New York company’s prospects. That now is leaded by former Ceo Michael Kowalski, called back to service. Yeah, but to go where? According to the American newspaper, Tiffany’s main problem is a decline in appeal among the Millenials and, more generally, among young people. Lady Gaga’s engagement, for example, had the purpose of combining Tiffany’s image with that of a very popular star. Just as, in intentions, the collaboration with Vogue Usa’s former creative director, the veteran Grace Coddington, would be refresh the look of company products.
A strategy that the financial newspaper judges with some doubt was also the idea of ​​bringing Tiffany jewels to the online shops of Net-a-Porter and Dover Street Market. All the initiatives that, at the moment, have not brought about any concrete results. Indeed, in the US, according to the latest quarterly report, sales fell by 3%. And the US market accounts for 90% of revenues, according to Forbes.
One of the problems identified by the Wall Street Journal concerns Tiffany’s sales quality: Nearly half, in 2016, came with jewelery at an average price of $ 530 or less. In short, jewels that certainly are not exclusive. This inclination to propose very popular jewelery would have lost the character of brand exclusivity.
Other negative: new collections represent less than 10% of sales. Deduction: The novelty is not perceived or appreciated. Objections to which Kowalski, who is now president, proudly replied: in his view, the wide variety of prices and styles offered by Tiffany are a strong point. And collections signed by historian designers like Jean Schlumberger and Elsa Peretti continue to be bestsellers. Who is right? The last word will be on budget numbers.
In Milan, meanwhile, Tiffany inaugurated a new boutique in the central Piazza Duomo. A very popular choice. Federico Graglia

Frederic Cumenal
Frederic Cumenal
Michael Kowalski
Michael Kowalski
Taglio del nastro della boutique di piazza Duomo, a Milano, con Erika Lemay, Marc Jacheet e Raffaella Banchero
Taglio del nastro della boutique di piazza Duomo, a Milano, con Erika Lemay, Marc Jacheet e Raffaella Banchero
L'interno della boutique Tiffany di piazza Duomo, a Milano
L’interno della boutique Tiffany di piazza Duomo, a Milano
Lady Gaga behind the scenes of the Tiffany & Co. Legendary Style campaign shoot Product: Tiffany City HardWear triple drop earrings in 18k yellow gold Photo Credit: Hanna Besirevic
Lady Gaga behind the scenes of the Tiffany & Co. Legendary Style campaign shoot Product: Tiffany City HardWear triple drop earrings in 18k yellow gold. Photo Credit: Hanna Besirevic
Anello Wave a cinque cerchi in argento. Prezzo: 540 euro
Anello Wave a cinque cerchi in argento, disegno di Elsa Peretti. Prezzo: 540 euro
Tiffany, New York
Tiffany, New York

Tiffany appeals to Donald Trump


Tiffany invites Donald Trump to comply with climate agreements ♦
There are curious coincidences in the world. Some concern Tiffany, the world’s largest jewelery group. Here are some: Tiffany is one of Donald Trump’s favorite jewelry brands. And Tiffany’s headquarters in downtown New York are just steps away from the Trump Tower, main residence, before the White House’s, of US President Donald Trump. Tiffany, however, has denounced less business because of protests that have been held for weeks under Trump Tower (against the new president). Another coincidence that confirms the preference of US number: Tiffany Ariana Trump is the daughter of US President Donald Trump and his second wife, Marla Maples. The last coincidence that crosses Tiffany’s fate with Trump. The Maison appeals to the US president on Instagram. The appeal is this:
Dear President Trump,
We’re still in for a bold climate action.
Please keep the U.S. in the Paris Climate
Agreement. The disaster of climate change
Is too real, and the threat to our planet
And to our children is too great.

It is not usual for a jewelery company to turn to the president of the United States and even get into such a decisive field on a social topic. Among other things, it should be noted that in February Tiffany had a turn at the top management, with the departure of Ceo, Frederic Cumenal, in office only since 2015. Instead, in interim, came back Michael Kowalski, former Tiffany Ceo. For the record, in a few hours the Tiffany appeal has received tens of thousands of consents. The double compared to the post with the photo with Lady Gaga. Giulia Netrese

L'appello di Tuffany su Instagram
L’appello di Tuffany su Instagram

Tiffany, New York
Tiffany, New York
Donald Trump
Donald Trump
Lady Gaga behind the scenes of the Tiffany & Co. Legendary Style campaign shoot Product: Tiffany City HardWear triple drop earrings in 18k yellow gold Photo Credit: Hanna Besirevic
Lady Gaga behind the scenes of the Tiffany & Co. Legendary Style campaign shoot Product: Tiffany City HardWear triple drop earrings in 18k yellow gold. Photo Credit: Hanna Besirevic

Solitaire firmato Tiffany &Co del peso di 1,60 carati
Solitaire firmato Tiffany &Co del peso di 1,60 carati

Conti d’oro per Tiffany


Mentre si appresta a lanciare una nuova collezione (https://gioiellis.com/t-come-tiffany/) i conti di Tiffany vanno a gonfie vele. La stella del brand americano del mondo dei gioielli continua a brillare. Nel secondo trimestre fiscale i profitti sono aumentati del 19% grazie al buon andamento delle vendite nelle Americhe (+9% a 484 milioni), nella regione Asia-Pacifico (+14% a 237 milioni di dollari) e in Europa (+8% a 120 milioni). La società, sulla scia di risultati che hanno nettamente superato le previsioni degli analisti, ha alzato le stime per l’anno in corso di 5 centesimi a un range tra 4,20 e 4,30 dollari per azione. «I buoni risultati riflettono una solida crescita delle vendite (quelle comparate sono salite del 3%)», ha detto l’amministratore delegato Michael Kowalski, che a marzo lascerà il posto a Frederic Cumenal, come anticipato da Gioiellis.com. Nei tre mesi la società ha riporato profitti per 124,1 milioni di dollari, 96 centesimi per azione, dai 106,8 milioni, 83 centesimi per azione dello stesso periodo dell’anno scorso. Il fatturato è salito del 7% a 992,9 milioni, mentre gli analisti attendevano un utile di 85 centesimi su un giro d’affari di 988 milioni.  Federico Graglia 

Boutique Tiffany
Boutique Tiffany

ukGolden quarter for Tiffany 

As he prepares to launch a new collection (https://gioiellis.com/t-as-tiffany/) the Tiffany’s business is in booming. The star of the American brand in the world of jewelry continues to shine. In the second fiscal quarter profits increased by 19% thanks to strong sales in the Americas (up 9% to 484 million), Asia-Pacific (up 14% to $ 237 million) and Europe (+ 8% 120 million). The company, in the wake of the results that were well above analysts’ forecasts, raised its estimates for the current year by 5 cents to a range between 4.20 and $ 4.30 per share. “The good results reflect solid growth in sales (compared those were up 3%),” said CEO Michael Kowalski, who in March will be replaced by Frederic Cumenal, as anticipated by Gioiellis.com. Within three months the company has riporato profits to 124.1 million dollars, 96 cents per share, from 106.8 million, 83 cents per share in the same period last year. Turnover increased by 7% to 992.9 million, while analysts were expecting a profit of 85 cents on a turnover of 988 million.

france-flagTrimestre d’or pour Tiffany 

Alors qu’il se prépare à lancer une nouvelle collection (https://gioiellis.com/t-comme-tiffany/) l’activité de Tiffany est en plein essor. L’étoile de la marque américaine dans le monde des bijoux continue de briller. Dans la deuxième bénéfices trimestre fiscal a augmenté de 19% grâce à de fortes ventes dans les Amériques (en hausse de 9% à 484 millions d’euros), en Asie-Pacifique (en hausse de 14% à 237 M $) et l’Europe (+ 8% de 120 millions). La société, dans le sillage des résultats qui étaient bien au-dessus des prévisions des analystes, a relevé ses estimations pour l’année en cours par 5 cents à une fourchette comprise entre 4,20 et 4,30 $ l’action. “Les bons résultats reflètent la croissance solide du chiffre d’affaires (contre ceux qui étaient en hausse de 3%),” a déclaré le PDG Michael Kowalski, qui, en Mars sera remplacé par Frédéric Cumenal, comme prévu par Gioiellis.com. Dans les trois mois, la société a riporato bénéfices à 124,1 millions de dollars, 96 cents par action, contre 106,8 millions, 83 cents par action pour la même période l’an dernier. Le chiffre d’affaires a augmenté de 7% à 992,9 millions, alors que les analystes attendaient un bénéfice de 85 cents sur un chiffre d’affaires de 988 millions d’euros.

german-flagGoldene Quartal für Tiffany 

Wie er sich vorbereitet, eine neue Sammlung (https://gioiellis.com/t-as-tiffany/) Starten Sie die Tiffany-Geschäft ist in boomt. Der Star der amerikanischen Marke in der Welt der Schmuck weiter zu glänzen. In der zweiten Geschäftsquartal Gewinn um 19% erhöht, um durch starke Umsätze in der Region Amerika (um 9% auf 484 Mio.), Asien-Pazifik (plus 14% auf 237 Mio. US $) und Europa (+ 8% 120 Millionen). Das Unternehmen, das im Zuge der Ergebnisse, die weit über die Prognosen der Analysten waren, hob seine Schätzungen für das laufende Jahr um 5 Cent auf einen Bereich zwischen 4,20 und 4,30 $ pro Aktie. “Die guten Ergebnisse spiegeln ein solides Wachstum bei Umsatz (im Vergleich jene 3% waren)”, sagte CEO Michael Kowalski, der im März wird von Frederic Cumenal ersetzt werden, wie durch Gioiellis.com erwartet. Innerhalb von drei Monaten hat das Unternehmen Gewinne auf 124,1 Millionen US-Dollar, 96 Cent je Aktie im Vorjahreszeitraum riporato, von 106,8 Mio., 83 Cent pro Aktie. Umsatz um 7% auf 992,9 Mio. gestiegen, während Analysten einen Gewinn von 85 Cent bei einem Umsatz von 988 Mio erwartet.

flag-russiaЗолотой квартал для Tiffany 

Как он готовится к запуску новой коллекции (https://gioiellis.com/t-как-tiffany/) бизнес в Tiffany находится в подъеме. Звезда американского бренда в мире ювелирных изделий продолжает светить. Во втором прибыли финансовом квартале увеличилась на 19% благодаря сильным продажам в Северной и Южной Америке (на 9% до 484 млн), Азиатско-Тихоокеанского (до 14% до $ 237 млн​​) и Европы (+ 8% 120000000). Компания, в результате результатам, которые были значительно выше прогнозов аналитиков, подняли свои оценки на текущий год на 5 центов до диапазона между 4,20 и $ 4,30 за акцию. “Хорошие результаты отражают уверенный рост продаж (по сравнению тем, выросли на 3%),” сказал генеральный директор Майкл Ковальски, который в марте будет заменен Фредерик Cumenal, как это предусмотрено в Gioiellis.com. В течение трех месяцев компания riporato прибыль в 124 100 000 долларов, 96 центов на акцию, против 106 800 000, 83 центов на акцию в аналогичный период прошлого года. Оборот увеличился на 7% до 992 900 000, в то время как аналитики ожидали прибыль в размере 85 центов на обороте 988 млн.

spagna-okTrimestre de Oro por Tiffany 

Mientras se prepara para lanzar una nueva colección (https://gioiellis.com/t-as-tiffany/) negocio de la Tiffany está en pleno auge. La estrella de la marca americana en el mundo de la joyería sigue brillando. En el segundo trimestre fiscal ganancias aumentaron en un 19% gracias a las fuertes ventas en las Américas (un 9% a 484 millones), Asia-Pacífico (14% a 237 millones dólares) y Europa (+ 8% de 120 millones). La empresa, a raíz de los resultados que estaban muy por encima de las previsiones de los analistas, al alza sus previsiones para el año en curso en 5 centavos a un rango entre 4,20 y 4,30 dólares por acción. “Los buenos resultados reflejan un sólido crecimiento en ventas (comparado esos eran un 3%),” dijo el presidente ejecutivo Michael Kowalski, quien en marzo será sustituido por Frederic Cumenal, según lo anticipado por Gioiellis.com. Dentro de los tres meses, la empresa ha riporato ganancias a 124,1 millones de dólares, 96 centavos por acción, desde los 106,8 millones, 83 centavos por acción en el mismo período del año pasado. La facturación creció un 7%, hasta 992,9 millones, mientras que los analistas esperaban una ganancia de 85 centavos de dólar en un volumen de negocio de 988 millones.