Bulgari - Page 8

Pronta una collezione top di Bulgari

[wzslider]La data è martedì 8 luglio 2014. Mentre celebra i 130 anni di vita in giro per il mondo, Bulgari ha scelto quel giorno per presentare una nuova collezione di alta gioielleria. Tra cui una collana di smeraldi, ametiste e tormaline, con colori che vanno dal verde profondo al rosso, fino all’azzurro intenso. Ecco una piccola anteprima della novità, assieme ai pezzi che hanno fatto la storia dell’azienda romana, ora sotto le insegne di Lvmh e che potete vedere nel filmato, girato in occasione della mostra organizzata a Houston, negli Usa. Non solo i grandi gioielli indossati da star come Liz Taylor, ma bracciali, collane, anelli e orecchini che sono capolavori di oreficeria. G.N.

ukNew top Bulgari’s collection  

The date is Tuesday, July 8, 2014. Whilst celebrating 130 years of life around the world, Bulgari has chosen that day to present a stunning new jewels. With a necklace of emeralds, amethysts and tourmalines, with colors ranging from deep green to red, to the azure blue. Here is a small preview of the news, along with the pieces that have made the history of the Roman brand, now under the banner of LVMH. You can see the jewels in the video, filmed on the occasion of the exhibition held in Houston, United States. Not only the great jewels worn by stars such as Liz Taylor, but bracelets, necklaces, rings and earrings that are masterpieces of jewelery.

france-flagLe  nouveau bijoux de Bulgari

La date est le mardi 8 Juillet 2014. Tout en célébrant les 130 ans de vie dans le monde, Bulgari a choisi ce jour pour présenter un superbe nouveau bijoux. Il s’agit d’un collier d’émeraudes, améthystes et tourmalines, avec des couleurs allant du vert foncé au rouge, au bleu azur. Voici un petit aperçu des nouvelles, ainsi que les pièces qui ont fait l’histoire de la marque romaine, maintenant sous la bannière de LVMH. Vous pouvez voir les joyaux de la vidéo, filmé à l’occasion de l’exposition qui s’est tenue à Houston, États-Unis. Non seulement les grands joyaux portés par des stars comme Liz Taylor, mais bracelets, colliers, bagues et boucles d’oreilles qui sont des chefs-d’œuvre de joaillerie.

german-flagNeues Schmuck Bulgari  

Der Termin ist Dienstag, der 8. Juli 2014. Während feiert 130 Jahre Leben auf der ganzen Welt, hat Bulgari an diesem Tag gewählt, um eine atemberaubende neue Schmuckstück zu präsentieren. Und eine Kette aus Smaragden, Amethyste und Turmaline, mit Farben von tiefgrün bis rot, auf den azurblau . Hier eine kleine Vorschau auf die Nachrichten, zusammen mit den Stücken, die die Geschichte des römischen Marke unter dem Banner der LVMH gemacht haben, jetzt. Sie können die Edelsteine ​​in dem Video, auf dem anlässlich der Ausstellung in Houston, USA statt gefilmt zu sehen. Nicht nur die großen Schmuckstücke von Stars wie Liz Taylor, aber Armbänder, Halsketten, Ringe und Ohrringe, die Meisterwerke der Schmuck getragen werden.

flag-russiaОжерелье Новые Лучшие Bulgari в

Дата вторник, 8 июля 2014. Несмотря на то, празднует 130 лет жизни во всем мире, Bulgari выбрала этот день, чтобы представить потрясающий новый драгоценный камень. Это ожерелье из изумрудов, аметистов и турмалины, с цветами от темно-зеленого до красного, в лазурное. Вот небольшой предварительный просмотр новостей, вместе с кусочками, которые сделали историю Римской марки, теперь под знаменем LVMH. Вы можете увидеть драгоценности в видео, снятое по случаю выставки, которая состоялась в Хьюстоне, США. Не только великие драгоценности носили такие звезды, как Лиз Тейлор, но браслеты, ожерелья, кольца и серьги, которые шедевры ювелирных изделий.

spagna-okNueva collecion de  Bulgari

La cita es el Martes, 08 de julio 2014. Mientras que celebra 130 años de vida en todo el mundo, Bulgari ha elegido ese día para presentar nueva impresionante joyas. Con un collar de esmeraldas, amatistas y turmalinas, con colores que van del verde oscuro al rojo, al azul celeste. He aquí un pequeño adelanto de la noticia, junto con las piezas que han hecho la historia de la marca romana, ahora bajo la bandera de LVMH. Usted puede ver las joyas en el video, filmado con motivo de la exposición celebrada en Houston, Estados Unidos. No sólo las grandes joyas usadas por estrellas como Liz Taylor, pero pulseras, collares, anillos y pendientes que son obras maestras de la joyería

A Parigi antiquariato e gioielli

Biennale_Affiche_JG_maquette_2014-04-04Vi piacciono i gioielli antichi? Amate curiosare tra le bancarelle di antiquariato? Andate a caccia di pezzi unici? Allora prenotate un aereo per Parigi: da giovedì 11 a domenica 21 Settembre torna al Grand Palais la Biennale des Antiquaires. Gli espositori (a oggi 81) comprendono professionisti antiquari di livello internazionale e anche maison di alta gioielleria. Insomma, opere d’arte (cinque le gallerie gestite da esperti italiani: Galleria Cesare Lampronti, Moretti Fine Art, Robilant+Voena, Galerie Giovanni Sarti e Tornabuoni Art) tra cui una Veduta della Torre di Marghera di Canaletto, Concetto Spaziale e Attese, di Lucio Fontana. Ma a questi galleristi si aggiungono le maison di alta gioielleria Giampero Bodino e Bulgari. Si attende anche un allestimento spettacolare firmato da Jacques Grange, che vuole trasformare il Gran Palais in una serra grandiosa grazie al contributo dei giardinieri del Castello di Versailles e di Trianon. Federico Graglia

Biennale des Antiquaires

Grand Palais, avenue Winston Churchill, Parigi VIII° arr.
da giovedì 11 a domenica 21 Settembre 2014 
Orario: 11-20
(fino alle 23 giovedì 11 e 18, martedì 16)
Chiusura alle 19 domenica 21 Settembre

ukJewelry and antiques in Paris 

Do you like the antique jewelries? Do you love to browse among the stalls of antiques? Go on the hunt for unique pieces? Then book a flight to Paris: from Thursday 11 to Sunday, September 21 at the Grand Palais you must  to go to the Biennale des Antiquaires. The exhibitors (currently 81) include professional antiques dealers in an international level and also of haute jewelry. In short, works of art (five tunnels operated by experienced Italian: Galleria Cesare Lampronti, Moretti Fine Art, Robilant + Voena, Galerie Giovanni Sarti and Tornabuoni Art) will show a lot of pieces including a View of the Tower of Marghera by Canaletto and Concetto Spaziale, dated 1968, watercolor by Lucio Fontana, and Concetto Spaziale, dated 1956, by the same author. But in these galleries are added haute jewelry Giampero Bodino and Bulgari. The exhibition also bet to a spectacular setting signed by Jacques Grange, who wants to turn the Grand Palais into a greenhouse great thanks to the contribution of the gardeners of the Castle of Versailles and Trianon.

france-flagBijoux et d’antiquités à Paris 

Aimez-vous les bijoux antiques? Aimez-vous naviguer parmi les étals d’antiquités? Aller à la recherche de pièces uniques? Alors réservez vous un vol pour Paris: du jeudi 11 au dimanche 21 Septembre au Grand Palais, vous devez aller à la Biennale des Antiquaires. Les exposants (actuellement 81) comprennent antiquaires professionnels à un niveau international et aussi de haute joaillerie. En bref, des œuvres d’art (cinq les galeries italien: Galleria Cesare Lamproni, Moretti Beaux-arts, Robilant + Voena, Galerie Giovanni Sarti et Tornabuoni Art) montreront un grand nombre de pièces, y compris une Vue de la Tour de Marghera par Canaletto et Attese, daté de 1968, aquarelle par Lucio Fontana, et Concetto Spaziale, du 1956, par le même auteur. Mais dans ces galeries sont ajoutés haute bijoux Giampiero Bodino et Bulgari. L’exposition a également misé sur un décor spectaculaire signé par Jacques Grange, qui veut transformer le Grand Palais en une serre grands grâce à la contribution des jardiniers du château de Versailles et de Trianon.

german-flagSchmuck und Antiquitäten in Paris 

Mögen Sie die antiken Schmuck? Sie lieben es, zwischen den Ständen von Antiquitäten surfen? Gehen Sie auf die Jagd nach einzigartigen Stücken? Dann buchen Sie einen Flug nach Paris: Von Donnerstag, 11. bis Sonntag, 21. September im Grand Palais Sie müssen, um auf der Biennale des Antiquaires zu gehen. Die Aussteller (derzeit 81) umfassen professionelle Antiquitätenhändler in einem internationalen Niveau und auch der Haute-Schmuck. In kurzen, Kunstwerke (fünf Tunnel von erfahrenen italienischen betrieben: Galleria Cesare Lampronti, Moretti Fine Art, Robilant + Voena, Galerie Giovanni Sarti und Tornabuoni Kunst) wird eine Menge Stücke zeigen mit einem Blick auf den Turm von Marghera von Canaletto und Attese, datiert 1968, Aquarell von Lucio Fontana, Concetto Spaziale und, datiert 1956, vom selben Autor. Aber in diesen Galerien sind haute Schmuck Giampiero Bodin und Bulgari aufgenommen. Die Ausstellung wette, auch zu einer spektakulären Umgebung von Jacques Grange, der den Grand Palais in ein Gewächshaus verwandeln großen Dank an den Beitrag der Gärtner des Schlosses von Versailles und Trianon will unterzeichnet.

flag-russiaДрагоценности и антиквариат в Париже 

Любишь антикварные ювелирные изделия? Вы любите, чтобы просмотреть среди киосков антиквариата? Перейти на охоту за уникальными произведениями? Тогда забронировать рейс в Париж: с четверга 11 по воскресенье 21 сентября, в Гран-Пале Вы должны пойти в биеннале де Antiquaires. Экспоненты (в настоящее время 81) включают профессиональные антиквары в международном уровне, а также о высокой ювелирных изделий. Короче говоря, произведения искусства (пять тоннелей управляется опытными Итальянский: Galleria Чезаре Лампронти, Моретти изобразительного искусства, Robilant + Voena, Galerie Джованни Сарти и Tornabuoni Art) покажет много частей, включая вид на башню Маргера Каналетто и Concetto Spaziale, датированный 1968, акварель Лючио Фонтана, и Concetto Spaziale от 1956, того же автора. Но в этих галереях добавляются изысканную украшения Giampero Бодин и Bulgari. На выставке также сделать ставку на потрясающей обстановке, подписанного Жак Гранж, который хочет превратить Grand Palais в теплице огромное спасибо вклада садоводов замка Версаля и Трианон.

spagna-okJoyería y antigüedades en París 

¿Te gustan las joyas antiguas? ¿Ama usted a navegar por entre los puestos de antigüedades? Ir a la caza de piezas únicas? Luego reservar un vuelo a Paris: desde el jueves 11 al domingo 21 de septiembre en el Grand Palais usted debe ir a la Biennale des Antiquaires. Los expositores (actualmente 81) incluyen anticuarios profesionales en el ámbito internacional, así como de la alta joyería. En resumen, obras de arte (cinco túneles operados por experiencia italiana: Galleria Cesare Lampronti, Moretti Fine Art, Robilant + Voena, Galerie Giovanni Sarti y Tornabuoni Art) mostrarán una gran cantidad de piezas que incluye una Vista de la torre de Marghera por Canaletto y Attese, fechado en 1968, de la acuarela de Lucio Fontana, y Concetto Spaziale, 1956, por el mismo autor. Pero en estas galerías se añaden joyas harte como Giampiero Bodino y Bulgari. La exposición también apostó a un entorno espectacular firmada por Jacques Grange, que quiere convertir el Grand Palais en un invernadero de grandes gracias a la contribución de los jardineros del Castillo de Versalles y Trianon. Bandeau-Biennale-2014-def

Il serpente più costoso è a Londra

[wzslider]Un orologio serpente di Bulgari ha segnato il record all’asta di Christie’s a Londra. Il gioiello-orologio è stato venduto a 812mila euro (1,1 milioni di dollari). Il bracciale, a forma di serpente con oro, diamanti e smalto della metà degli anni Sessanta, il periodo ruggente della maison romana. Il gioiello che segna il tempo ha raggiunto più del doppio rispetto alla sua stima pre-vendita. Un altro bracciale di Bulgari, con un diamante fancy brown-yellow da 18,27 carati ha invece raggiunto i 473mila euro (645mila dollari). E un anello con un diamante tagliato a pera da 5 carati è stato battuto all’asta per 267mila euro (365mila dollari). Ottima accoglienza anche per i gioielli firmati Cartier: il lotto è stato venduto al 100%, per un totale di 946.750. Ecco le immagini e le quotazioni dei pezzi di maggior valore. Federico Graglia  

Keep Reading

Princes’s jewels at Christie’s

The next auction at Christie’s is what it should have contained the jewelry of a chic woman, in the aristocratic Paris during Belle Èpoque: at least two pearl necklaces, two rings with diamonds, rubies and sapphires, a sutoir of small diamonds set in platinum, pearl and diamond earrings, three pins and a bracelet of diamonds and colored gemstones. All, of course, signed by the greatest jewelers of the capital, as Boivin, Cartier and Chaumet. That had very special guests: the provenance of certain lots, old pieces but still really modern, is princelP. For example, the clasp of a necklace of pearls is a gift from the last sovereign of France, Empress Eugenie, the soutoir belonged to Her Royal Highness, Princess Cécile Murat. While the ring by Chaumet, with a rare sapphire of Kashmir, was a property of the Duchess of Luynes, a family mentioned in history books, and even in the novels of Alexandre Dumas. In addition to this collection, many other signature such as Boucheron, Bulgari, Buccellati, Graff, Mauboussin, Tiffany and Van Cleef & Arpels. Of course, more recent, but no less elegant: they represent the taste and personality of women who have chosen them.  

Soutoir appartenuto alla principessa Cécile Murat con piccoli diamanti taglio antico alternati a brillanti più grandi, montati su platino. Stima 20 mila-30 mila euro
Soutoir appartenuto alla principessa Cécile Murat con piccoli diamanti taglio antico alternati a brillanti più grandi, montati su platino. Stima 20 mila-30 mila euro
Orecchini a forma di nodo con diamanti taglio antico montati su platino e oro grigio. Firmati Chaumet, sono un dono della principessa Alexandre Murat. Stima 7 mila- 10 mila euro
Orecchini a forma di nodo con diamanti taglio antico montati su platino e oro grigio. Firmati Chaumet, sono un dono della principessa Alexandre Murat. Stima 7 mila- 10 mila euro
Collana di perle naturali, con fermaglio in oro, zaffiro taglio cuscino e doppia fila di diamanti taglio antico, dono dell'imperatrice Eugenia per il fidanzamento del Principe Murat. Certificato Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie. Stima 150 mila - 200 mila euro
Collana di perle naturali, con fermaglio in oro, zaffiro taglio cuscino e doppia fila di diamanti taglio antico, dono dell’imperatrice Eugenia per il fidanzamento del Principe Murat. Certificato Laboratoire Français de Gemmologie. Stima 150 mila – 200 mila euro
Anello firmato Chaumet con un rubino taglio ovale di 3.119 carati e un diamante ovale taglio antico. Montatura in platino. Certificato dall'Institut Suisse de Gemmologie, evidenza le caratteristiche dei giacimenti birmani per il rubino e non riscontra alterazioni termiche. Stima 40 mila -60 mila euro
Anello firmato Chaumet con un rubino taglio ovale di 3.119 carati e un diamante ovale taglio antico. Montatura in platino. Certificato dall’Institut Suisse de Gemmologie, evidenza le caratteristiche dei giacimenti birmani per il rubino e non riscontra alterazioni termiche. Stima 40 mila -60 mila euro
Anello della duchessa de Luynes, ha uno zaffiro taglio cuscino di 7,05 carato con caratteristiche dei giacimenti del Cachemire e due diamanti a baguette sui lati montati su platino. Firmato da Chaumet. Certificato Gia non sono state riscontrate alterazioni termiche. Stima 150 mila – 200 mila euro
Anello della duchessa de Luynes, ha uno zaffiro taglio cuscino di 7,05 carato con caratteristiche dei giacimenti del Cachemire e due diamanti a baguette sui lati montati su platino. Firmato da Chaumet. Certificato Gia non sono state riscontrate alterazioni termiche. Stima 150 mila – 200 mila euro

Christie’s per noi (online)

Gioielli di spicco all’asta, ma solo online: Christie’s annuncia Spring Jewels, una vendita solo sul web, per il periodo che va dal 6 al 20 maggio. In catalogo gioielli contemporanei e orologi  di lusso. Tutti pezzi firmati da brand famosi, come Bulgari, Chanel, Cartier, Rolex e Tiffany. In tutto, vanno all’asta 70 lotti. La vendita comprende anche gioielli dai prezzi più accessibili, rispetto alle valutazioni top delle aste milionarie. Tra i pezzi pregiati, un bracciale di zaffiri e diamanti firmato da Sutra e l’anello Power, di Diane von Furstenberg per H. Stern (stima 18-24mila euro), un anello con peridoto e tanzanite di Chanel, (stima: 3000-5.400 euro), e una collana di diamanti con ciondolo Frou Frou, di Boucheron (stima: 6.000 -8.400 euro). Per partecipare all’asta potete cliccare qui. F.G.  

Bracciale firmato Sutra. Stima: 18-24mila euro
Bracciale firmato Sutra. Stima: 18-24mila euro
Bracciale Alhambra, firmato  Van Cleef & Arpels. Stima: 6.000-5.400 euro
Bracciale Alhambra, firmato Van Cleef & Arpels. Stima: 6.000-5.400 euro
Diamond Frou Frou pendant necklace, di Boucheron. Stima: 6.000-8.400 euro
Diamond Frou Frou pendant necklace, di Boucheron. Stima: 6.000-8.400 euro
Anello con peridodto e diamante frou-frou. Firmato Boucheron. Stima: 3.600-6.000 euro
Anello con peridodto e diamante frou-frou. Firmato Boucheron. Stima: 3.600-6.000 euro
Orecchini Cerchi, di Bulgari. Stima: 4.200-5.400 euro
Orecchini Cerchi, di Bulgari. Stima: 4.200-5.400 euro
Orecchini di stavorite a forma di piuma. Stima: 1.200-1.500 euro
Orecchini di stavorite a forma di piuma. Stima: 1.200-1.500 euro

ukChristie’s for all (online) 

Jewels prominent auction, but only online: Christie’s announces Spring Jewels, a sale only on the web, for the period May 6 to 20. In the catalog there are contemporary jewelry and luxury watches. All pieces are from famous brands, such as Bulgari, Chanel, Cartier, Rolex and Tiffany. In all, 70 lots to be auctioned. The sale also includes jewelry with more affordable prices compared to the assessments of the other  millionaire auction. Among the valuable pieces, a bracelet with sapphires and diamonds signed by Sutra and Power ring, by Diane von Furstenberg for H. Stern (estimate 18-24 thousand euro), a ring with peridot and tanzanite Chanel (estimate: 3000 – € 5,400), and a diamond Frou Frou pendant necklace, by Boucheron (estimate: € 6.000 -8400). To participate in the auction please click here.

france-flagChristie’s pour tous (online)

Bijoux de premier plan aux enchères, mais seulement en ligne: Christie annonce le printemps bijoux, une vente uniquement sur ​​le web, pour la période 6-20 mai. Dans le catalogue il ya bijoux contemporains et des montres de luxe. Toutes les pièces sont de grandes marques, comme Bulgari, Chanel, Cartier, Rolex et Tiffany. En tout, 70 places aux enchères. La vente comprend également des bijoux avec des prix plus abordables par rapport aux évaluations de l’autre enchère millionnaire. Parmi les pièces de grande valeur, un bracelet de saphirs et de diamants signés par Sutra et la bague Power, par Diane von Furstenberg pour H. Stern (estimation de 18 à 24000 euros), une bague avec péridot et tanzanite de Chanel (estimation: 3000 – € 5400), et un diamant Frou Frou avec pendentif, par Boucheron (estimation: € 6,000 -8,400). Pour participer à la vente aux enchères s’il vous plaît cliquez ici.

german-flagChristie’s für alle (online) 

Juwelen prominente Auktion, aber nur online: Christie’s kündigt Frühling Juwelen, nur auf der Bahn einen Verkauf, für die Zeit von 6. bis 20. Mai im Katalog gibt es zeitgenössischen Schmuck und Luxus-Uhren.. Alle Stücke sind von bekannten Marken wie Bulgari, Chanel, Cartier, Rolex und Tiffany. Insgesamt 70 Lose versteigert werden. Der Verkauf umfasst auch Schmuck mit günstigeren Preisen im Vergleich zu den Einschätzungen der anderen Millionär Auktion. Zu den wertvollsten Stücke, ein Armband mit Saphiren und Diamanten-Sutra und Netzring unterzeichnet, von Diane von Furstenberg für H. Stern (Schätzung 18-24.000 Euro), einem Ring mit Peridot und Tansanit Chanel (Schätzpreis: 3.000 – 5.400 €) und ein Diamant-Halskette Frou Frou, von Boucheron (Schätzpreis: 6,000 € -8.400). Um an der Auktion teilzunehmen, klicken Sie bitte hier.

flag-russiaКристи для всех (онлайн) 

Драгоценности видный аукцион, но только на сайте: Кристи объявляет Весна Jewels, продажи только в Интернете, на период 6 мая по 20 В каталоге есть современный ювелирные изделия и роскошные часы.. Все произведения являются от известных брендов, таких как Bulgari, Chanel, Cartier, Rolex и Tiffany. В целом, 70-лотов предстоящих торгов. Продажа также включает ювелирные изделия с более доступным ценам по сравнению с оценками другой миллионер аукциона. Среди ценных экспонатов, браслет с сапфирами и бриллиантами, подписанных Сутры, мощность кольца, Дианой фон Фюрстенберг для H. Stern (эстимейт 18-24 тысяч евро), кольцо с перидот и танзанита Chanel (эстимейт: 3000 – € 5400) и алмаз Фру ​​Фру ожерелье, по Boucheron (оценка: € 6.000 -8400). Для участия в аукционе, пожалуйста, нажмите здесь.

spagna-okChristie’s para todos (en línea) 

Joyas subasta prominente, pero sólo en línea: Christie’s anuncia Joyas de primavera, una venta sólo en la web, para el período 06 al 20 05 En el catálogo hay joyería contemporánea y relojes de lujo. Todas las piezas son de marcas famosas, tales como Bulgari, Chanel, Cartier, Rolex y Tiffany. En total, 70 lotes que se subastarán. La venta también incluye joyas con precios más asequibles en comparación con las evaluaciones de la otra subasta millonaria. Entre las valiosas piezas, un brazalete de zafiros y diamantes firmados por Sutra y anillo de poder, de Diane von Furstenberg para H. Stern (estimar 18-24.000 euros), un anillo con peridoto y Chanel tanzanita (estimado: 3.000 – € 5.400), y un diamante Frou Frou collar pendiente, por Boucheron (estimado de venta: € 6,000 -8,400). Para participar en la subasta por favor haga clic aquí.

(Italiano) Bulgari, anello in 60 secondi

Il classico, godurioso, anello di Bulgari visto da vicino in un filmato breve ma piacevole. Per scoprire la bellezza di un gioiello diventato un classico del catalogo della maison romana passata sotto le insegne della francese Lvmh. Si tratta degli anelli B.zero1, che traggono ispirazione dal design Tubogas, la tecnica artistica divenuta uno degli emblemi del marchio.

ukBulgari in 60 seconds
The classic, gorgeous ring, Bulgari seen up close in a movie short, but pleasant. To discover the beauty of a jewel became a classic of the catalog of Roman fashion house passed under the banner of the French LVMH.

france-flagBulgari en 60 secondes
La classique bague Bulgari voir de près dans un film court, mais agréable. Pour découvrir la beauté d’un bijou est devenu un classique du catalogue de la maison de mode romaine passé sous la bannière de l’LVMH.

german-flagBulgari in 60 Sekunden
Die klassische Ring, Bulgari aus der Nähe gesehen in einem Film kurz, aber angenehm. Um die Schönheit der ein Juwel zu entdecken wurde zu einem Klassiker des Katalogs der römischen Modehaus unter dem Banner der Französisch LVMH übergeben.

flag-russiaBulgari за 60 секунд

Классический кольцо Bulgari видел близко в кино короткий, но приятный. Чтобы открыть для себя красоту драгоценного камня стал классиком каталоге римского дома моды прошла под знаменем французского LVMH.

Reuters: Italy less gold, it’s a battle over exports

According to the Reuters agency, Italy has lost its leadership as a gold jewelery exporter, overtaken by India and the United States. Not only that: it risks slipping further due to the high cost of production and tariff barriers. For years, Italy was the world’s largest producer and exporter of gold products. Companies such as Bulgari, Damiani and Roberto Coin were (and still are) Italian luxury brands celebrated around the world for their use of the yellow metal paired with precious stones and avant-garde designs. But the Italian gold sector, according to the British agency, is fighting an uphill battle against punitive tariffs imposed by markets such as China, and competition from lower cost producers, who benefit from improved skills and more advanced technologies .

Also impacting were soaring gold prices and high wages, which further inflated costs. Furthermore, sales of gold jewelery in Italy have plummeted due to the recession. “Demand for jewelery is one of the first to fall in a recession”, comments Licia Mattioli, president of Federorafi, and head of a goldsmith company in Turin. Sales of gold jewelry in Italy fell 15% in volume (to 4.8 tons) and 9% in value ($246 million) year-on-year in the second quarter, according to data from the World Gold Council.

L'Italia esporta il 70% dei gioielli d'oro che produce
L’Italia esporta il 70% dei gioielli d’oro che produce

Steven Tranquilli, director of the Italian federation of jewelery distributors, Federdettaglianti Orafi, estimates that retail gold jewelery sales in Italy have decreased by 20-25% in one year. And according to Federorafi, the sector’s total revenues in 2011 amounted to 6.3 billion euros, down 16% from 2007.

Gioielli Damiani
Gioielli Damiani

So now India and the US have overtaken Italy as exporters, at least in terms of volume. Added to this is the strong competition from countries with low processing costs, such as mainland China, Hong Kong and Thailand. Exports also suffer from high duties. Indian and Brazilian manufacturers pay low customs duties when exporting their jewelery to the EU. But in those countries there are brakes on imports. Furthermore, producers in India and the United States benefit from greater economies of scale compared to the fragmented nature of the Italian goldsmith sector, companies centered in Vicenza, Valenza, Arezzo and Bassano del Grappa, most of which are family-run with small artisan shops.

How does it come out? According to Reuters, there is a need to improve design skills and technology, as well as lower labor costs. Then there is the need to improve exports. Gold jewelery manufacturers gather three times a year, in January, May and September, for the VicenzaOro fairs in Vicenza, which attract hundreds of retail buyers from all over the world in search of the most interesting creations for their shops. And faced with the difficult challenges of the domestic market, Italian jewelery manufacturers are increasingly turning their attention towards rapidly growing markets. According to the latest data from VicenzaOro, the main destinations for Italian jewelery in the first quarter of 2012 were Switzerland (363 million euros, 22% of the total), the United Arab Emirates (237 million euros, equal 3%), and the United States (142 million euros, equal to 8.6%).

Bulgari, marchio italiano che è emigrato in Francia
Bulgari, marchio italiano che è emigrato in Francia

Italy exports around 70% of its gold jewellery, the rest is sold on the domestic market. “But the big problem for Italian gold jewelery exports are the import duties in the Bric countries”, adds Mattioli, referring to Brazil, Russia, India and China. Italian industry is pressuring the European Union to overcome the tariff challenge, but Brussels has responded that the high quality of Italian jewelery exports should ensure penetration into rapidly growing Asian markets, including China. “China manages substantial import tariffs, a major brake on business for Italian companies,” comments Mattioli. “We need to discuss the issue of import duties internationally.” According to VicenzaOro experts, however, exports to China in the first quarter of 2012 increased by 52.7% to 38.2 million euros, pushing the country to second place among export destinations.

Design innovation and marketing are the keys to success. At the retail level, for example, Damiani recorded a strong increase. “There are foreign markets that are growing rapidly and in which our group sees great possibilities, such as China, where Damiani is already present with eight stores and will soon open another five, and the former Soviet republics, where a new boutique will be inaugurated soon in Moscow”, confirmed Guido Damiani, president and CEO of the homonymous group. In short, all is not lost, fortunately.

It is a good business to invest in jewelry

Investing in jewelry is a real bargain. Especially in times of economic turbulence, such as what we live for a few years. It supports the Monte dei Paschi di Siena, which has carried out a study on the art market and that of precious metals. The survey analyzes the art market of the MPS market performance of painting, divided into three segments of reference, summarizing the results of the largest transactions of auction houses ( about 1,550 observations total) in three indices according to the period historical reference : MPS Art Old masters and 19th century Index, MPS and MPS Index Art Pre War Post War Art Index. The evidence of the 3 indices are then summarized in the Global MPS Painting Art Index.

But, as anticipated, the discussion does not end here. Experts have also introduced indexes that aim to analyze the trend of so-called minor arts : antiques, furniture and sculptures, jewelry, wine and photography. Within the minor arts, we analyzed the performance of the sector Jewels compared to other minor arts given the particular function as a safe haven covered in this segment.

The most important segment after painting, in fact, is represented by jewelry and watches, whose temples stand out for their high average turnovers and weighs a total of 14.2% of total revenues ( +3.1% compared to the portion of the first half 2010). This segment is expected to grow further by the experts of MPS, especially given the success that the rods of precious stones and are enjoying all the squares on the continent.

Conclusions : The weight between the various segments still seems to be intended to change, with a strengthening of the minor arts that show, in just the last calendar year and in all categories, the best performance in terms of percentage changes compared to the MPS Global Painting Art Index.

The MPS Jewels index summarizes the trend of the auctions of jewelery, watches and precious stones of the most important international centers : Geneva, London, New York and Hong Kong. The segment shows the growth rates of the most interesting segment of the minor arts, with an increase of 160.8 % over the last 5 years ( first half of 2011 over the first half of 2006).

In comparison with the MPS Minor Arts Index Without Jewels ( +71.0 % between 2006 and 2011 ), it is evident success of the jewelery, which at the moment are confirmed safe haven par excellence, with a performance estimate for 2011 +10, 0% (latest data considered in the study ).

The jewelry will also reveal a rather good ‘liquid’, at least for the high quality pieces : the rods considered to show that the branded jewelery or antiques are a safe investment. In addition to diamonds are always very popular natural stones ( untreated) and natural pearls (not cultivated ). The success of the segment can be attributed to two main reasons: 1 ) the jewelry is seen as a safe haven warranty, and 2) the value of the underlying ( gold, silver, diamond… ) has grown significantly in this period of recession.

Of course, it is not automatically sell a gem, but no more than a painted picture. The unsold rates recorded in the last five semesters, note analysts Sienese bank, settle in the region of the five-year average rates ( average rate per lot 21.4%, 17.6% by value ), and below the peaks achieved in 2008 : the market in the last two years seems to have found a sustainable balance for supply and demand.

Compared to the past, the demand for precious focuses more on top quality diamonds, colored stones with particular as to the Burmese rubies, Kashmir sapphires and for the Colombian (Muso ) for emeralds.

On the square in New York are appreciated especially great carat white diamonds, as well as large colored stones and colored diamonds. The jewels of the ’20s and ’50s are very welcome in both the old and the new continent. The UK market is more geared towards the cushion cut diamonds for their particular for their luster and charm. In Italy is more and more interest in the vintage jewelry, thanks to a consolidated goldsmith tradition that has produced manufacturing, design and proportions of high quality. The signatures, known internationally, they add value to the jewel with exquisite designs and a perfect bill.

There are, finally, advice for those who decide to embark on an investment in diamonds. It is necessary, experts explain, evaluate the so-called 4 C’s : color ( color), purity ( Clarity ), cut ( Cut) and carat ( Carat ). Not to be overlooked, moreover, proportions, fluorescence and polishing.

The market for fine jewelry is synthesized in a series of graphs. The performance of the MPS Jewels Market Value Index in the entire observation period (September 2008 – September 2011) is quite positive ( +63.5 %) and superior to other national stock indices considered, all in negative territory : SMI ( -4, 9%), CAC 40 ( -36.7 %) ** and FTSE MIB ( -54.5 %) with the exception of S & P 500 ( +2.7%).

The investment in the stock market jewel of luxury appears to be the only positive with respect to the major indices which are representative of 4 -contributing countries, with their society, the definition of MPS Jewels Market Value Index ( Damiani and Bvlgari for Italy, LVMH, Hermès and Dior for France to Switzerland Richemont and Tiffany & Co. for the United States ).

Be careful, though : the dangers out there. The segment of the jewel of luxury, the study continues, it is subjected to numerous threats : 1 ) increasingly strong interest in substitute goods to meet the psycho – physical (eg, travel, spas, gyms, etc. ), 2) increased demand for the productions of the fashion industry, especially by younger people, attracted by prices less prohibitive and innovative features, and 3) preference for fashion products than for products – value ; 4) strong seasonality of sales in some periods of the year ( for jewelry Christmas and Valentine’s Day ), 5 ) the risk of counterfeiting; 6) reputational risk ( for example, when the production is decentralized abroad ) ; 7) change in consumer tastes, often sudden and unreasoned.

The high rates of unemployment and the levels of tax rates in emerging markets are factors that can influence demand. Moreover, the products of the luxury market have good nature of secondary ones, which makes them susceptible to the macroeconomic environment and require a constant upgrading and re-launching the brand.

This is also why in recent months the performance of MPS Jewels Market Value Index was affected by the difficulties in the financial markets ( -20.5 %), but were also negative performance of all other indices ranging from -31.9 % of FTSE MIB to -10.7% for the S & P500.

On the overall performance of the MPS Jewels Market Value Index, however, have impacted primarily LVMH ( -19% approx. ) And Richemont (-23% approx. ) Which together account for about 70%. the entire index.

Little significant effect on the growth performance of the title Bulgari (+50% approx. ) Following the tender offer launched by LVMH, because of its limited weight on the aggregate (4.5% approx. ).

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