Pianegonda - Page 3

Piegonda’s thorns

The Cuspis collection by Piegonda, in silver and pearls. It’s aggressive, but does not sting: images and prices.
Piegonda, historical brand of Vicenza passed under the banner of the Bros Manifatture company, it is flourished with new collections and, above all, a more widespread distribution of its collections. And, since there is no rose without thorns, with the revival there is the Cuspis collection, which instead of representing petals and colors prefers to focusing on sharp protrusions that protect the stem of plants. But the jewelry plugs, of course, they do not bite, decorate. And to moderate the silver aggressiveness worked with sharp geometric shapes there are also small pearls. The effect is unusual. Prices: a 925 silver bracelet with natural pearls is 190 euro, up to up to 850 euro for the more sophisticated gem. Earrings from 138 to 195 euro, ring 115 or 185 euro. Lavinia Andorno

Bracciale in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 850 euro
Bracciale in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 850 euro

Bracciale in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 190 euro
Bracciale in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 190 euro
Orecchini in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 138 euro
Orecchini in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 138 euro
Orecchini in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 195 euro
Orecchini in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 195 euro
Orecchini in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 154 euro
Orecchini in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 154 euro
Anello in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 115 euro
Anello in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 115 euro
Anello in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 185 euro
Anello in argento 925 con perle naturali. Prezzo: 185 euro

Pianegonda, in italic style

Pianegonda, the Scripta collection to turn your appearance in an elegant silver italic.
It is the fate of the fair men and women: born again and, if their life was conducted by following the principles of dharma, the new being will be better. Perhaps Pianegonda follows the Buddhist precepts. Star of minimalist design in the nineties, has had a hard landing a couple of decades later. Instead of disappearing, he got a new life signed by the Morellato Group. But the two dharma, their existential philosophy, not proved to be compatible. Here, then, that in 2015 Pianegonda has been reborn for the third time, yet it never left the scene. To revive the brand was the Bros Group, which draws on a Pianegonda popularity on the US markets and in some Arab countries. It seems, however, that the new reincarnation of Pianegonda it works, at least judging from the large exhibition space since last VicenzaOro, where the showcases with the new collections were just a few meters away from those of the new parent company.
The new corporate positioning of Pianegonda, however, did not affect the spirit of research. For example, the Scripta collection, so named because it alludes to calligraphic italics writing reinterpreted in a modern key. The jewelry is made from a single sheet of silver which is cut, shaped, assembled, welded and polished by hand. Small sculptures at the border between minimalism and futurism. Price: the 925 silver necklace is the most expensive piece, about 590 €. For a silver ring it drops to 98 euro. Other prices can be found in the captions of the pictures. Margherita Donato

Bracciale in argento 925. Prezzo: 780 euro
Bracciale in argento 925. Prezzo: 780 euro

Bracciale in argento 925. Prezzo: 296 euro
Bracciale in argento 925. Prezzo: 296 euro
Anello in argento 925. Prezzo: 129 euro
Anello in argento 925. Prezzo: 129 euro
Anello in argento 925. Prezzo: 98 euro
Anello in argento 925. Prezzo: 98 euro
Orecchini in argento 925. Prezzo: 125 euro
Orecchini in argento 925. Prezzo: 125 euro
Orecchini in argento 925. Prezzo: 135 euro
Orecchini in argento 925. Prezzo: 135 euro
Orecchini in argento 925. Prezzo: 64 euro
Orecchini in argento 925. Prezzo: 64 euro
Bracciale in argento 925. Prezzo: 320 euro
Bracciale in argento 925. Prezzo: 320 euro

18 gioielli sotto i 500 euro

[wzslider]Ecco 18 gioielli da mettere sotto l’albero con un budget un po’ più ampio, dai 100 ai 500 euro: la scelta si allunga. Vi abbiamo già proposto una rassegna di gioielli fino a 100 euro (https://gioiellis.com/14-regali-meno-100-euro/), ma oggi puntiamo più in alto. Tra 100 e 500 euro si trovano gioielli che possono accontentare tutte (o quasi). Ci sono, per esempio, i grandi nomi del settore, come Tiffany, o della moda, come Alexander McQueen. O, ancora, nuove scoperte, come l’italo americano Anthony Vaccarello, tanto dorato, un pizzico d’argento, qualcosa di classico e molto design. Insomma, non resta che scegliere, ecco immagini e prezzi della nostra selezione. Matilde de Bounvilles


uk18 jewels under 500 euros

Here we have 18 jewels to put under the Christmas tree and the budget is a little larger, from 100 to 500 euro: the choice is extended. We have already proposed a series of jewelry up to 100 € (https://gioiellis.com/14-regali-meno-100-euro/ ); but today we aim higher. In the range from 100 to 500 Euros there are jewels that can satisfy all (or almost). There are, for example, the big names, such as Tiffany, or fashion, like Alexander McQueen. Or, again, new discoveries, such as the Italian-American Anthony Vaccarello, a lot iof golden, a hint of silver, something classic and so much design. So, you just have to choose, here we have pictures and prices of our selection.

france-flag18 bijoux de moins de € 500

Ici, 18 bijoux pour mettre sous l’arbre de Noël et si le budget est un peu plus grand, de 100 à 500 euro, le choix est étendu. Nous avons déjà proposé une série de bijoux jusqu’à 100 € (https://gioiellis.com/14-regali-meno-100-euro/ ); mais aujourd’hui nous viser plus haut Dans la gamme de 100 à 500 Euros il ya des bijoux qui peut satisfaire tous (ou presque). Il ya, par exemple, les grands noms, tels que Tiffany, ou de la mode, comme Alexander McQueen. Ou encore, de nouvelles découvertes, comme l’italo-américain Anthony Vaccarello, beaucoup d’or, un soupçon d’argent, quelque chose de classique et beaucoup design. Donc, vous avez juste à choisir, nous avons ici des images et des prix de notre sélection.

german-flag18 Steine unter 500 €

Hier haben wir 18 Steine, um unter dem Weihnachtsbaum legen und das Budget ist ein wenig größer, von 100 bis 500 Euro: Die Wahl wird verlängert. Wir haben bereits eine Reihe von Schmuck bis zu 100 € (https://gioiellis.com/14-regali-meno-100-euro/ ); Aber heute höher streben wir im Bereich von 100 bis 500 Euro gibt es Juwelen, können alle (oder fast) zufrieden zu stellen. Es gibt zum Beispiel die großen Namen wie Tiffany oder Mode, wie Alexander McQueen. oder auch neue Entdeckungen, wie die italienisch-amerikanische Anthony Vaccarello, viel golden, ein Hauch von Silber, etwas klassisch und so viel Design. also, Sie müssen nur wählen, hier haben wir Fotos und Preise unserer Auswahl.

flag-russia18 драгоценности под 500 евро

Здесь у нас есть 18 драгоценных камней, чтобы поставить под елку и бюджет немного больше, от 100 до 500 евро: выбор расширяется. Мы уже предложили ряд ювелирных изделий до 100 € (https://gioiellis.com/14-regali-meno-100-euro/ ); Hо сегодня мы стремимся выше в диапазоне от 100 до 500 евро есть драгоценности, которые может удовлетворить все (или почти). Есть, например, большие имена, такие как Tiffany, или моды, как Alexander McQueen. Или, опять же, новые открытия, такие, как Итало-американский Энтони Ваккарелло, много золотой, намек на серебро, то классический и столько дизайна. таким образом, вы просто должны выбрать, здесь у нас есть фотографии и цены нашего выбора.

spagna-ok18 joyas a meno de € 500

Aquí tenemos 18 joyas para poner bajo el árbol de Navidad y el presupuesto es un poco más grande, de 100 a 500 euros: asì la elección se extiende. Ya hemos propuesto una serie de joyas hasta 100 € (https://gioiellis.com/14-regali-meno-100-euro/ ); pero hoy apuntamos más alto en el rango de 100 a 500 euros hay joyas que puede satisfacer todas (o casi). Hay, por ejemplo, los grandes nombres, tales como Tiffany, o la moda, como Alexander McQueen. o, de nuevo, los nuevos descubrimientos, como el italiano-americano Anthony Vaccarello, una gran cantidad de oro, una pizca de plata, algo clásico y mucho diseño. así, sólo tiene que elegir, aquí tenemos fotos y precios de nuestra selección.