
Lebole Gioielli Buddhist

By Lebole Gioielli a collection with earrings and necklaces inspired by Buddha ♦ ︎
Christmas zen with Lebole Jewelery. Peace, concentration and serenity are perhaps the goal of the Buddha collection, which uses the Siddharta figure as an icon for its earrings. Always inspired by the charm of the East, Tuscan company Lebole Gioielli proposes with the Buddha collection its asymmetrical earrings, one representing the shape of the traveler prophet, while the other has the silhouette of a stylized lotus flower. The materials used for the seven pairs of earrings are golden, silver and thirsty wood, Indians obviously. But also jade. The collection also consists of necklaces made with the same figures and with the same materials. Lotus is the traditional flower of the eastern countries, where it also represents a symbol of purity: it remains white even in the swampy areas where it grows. Prices: The earrings, which can be chosen with three different types of closure, cost 120 euros. Necklaces with the Buddha cost instead 160 euros. Om. Lavinia Andorno

Collana Buddha grande
Collana Buddha grande
Collana Buddha giada
Collana Buddha giada
Orecchini Buddha con pietra azzurra
Orecchini Buddha con pietra azzurra
Orecchini Buddha con legno dorato e seta
Orecchini Buddha con legno dorato e seta

Orecchini Buddha con legno dorato e giada
Orecchini Buddha con legno dorato e giada

A lotus flower for Vanessa Martinelli

A new line of jewels from the Swiss designer Vanessa Martinelli, who this time prefers mother of pearl ♦ ︎
There are two people who are called Vanessa Martinelli and who were born in Lugano but work in Geneva. One is a designer of Swiss jewelry that loves the colors and charm of the East. The other is practically identical, but those who do not know it are swapping for a trendy blogger model, friend with known characters and with a fast selfie. Which of them has just drawn a collection of jewels that use the mother of pearl to make earrings and pendants from the shape of the classic lotus flower? Both of them, maybe a Vanessa suggested to other Vanessa, who knows. In any case, the Oriental inspiration collection, which is added to the jewels that use the Buddha figure already introduced with others jewels, is the news.
Before founding, in 2012, her jewelery company, when Vanessa Martinelli was very young, also worked as a model in Milan. This explains the double face of the designer who studied at Central Saint Martins in London, followed the courses at the Gemmological Institute of America in New York, where she graduated in gemology and explored the world of pearls working a year in Hong Kong as creative director, before choosing Geneva as home to her own Maison. Lavinia Andorno
Read also: The Arabians Night by Vanessa Martinelli

Orecchini con Buddha di madreperla, perle, ametiste, citrino
Orecchini con Buddha di madreperla, perle, ametiste, citrino
Orecchini con madreperla
Orecchini con madreperla
Orecchini in oro bianco, con citrino , ametista, topazio azzurro e pavé di zaffiri
Orecchini in oro bianco, con citrino , ametista, topazio azzurro e pavé di zaffiri
Pezzo unico. Anello con citrino lemon e zaffiri
Pezzo unico. Anello con citrino lemon e zaffiri
Dea ring, realizzato in oro bianco, quarzo rosa, pavé di tsavoriti. Prezzo: 14.700 franchi
Dea ring, realizzato in oro bianco, quarzo rosa, pavé di tsavoriti. Prezzo: 14.700 franchi
Vanessa Martinelli (da Instagram)
Vanessa Martinelli (da Instagram)

Trollbeads, autunno con Buddha

Trollbeads lancerà i primi di settembre la sua nuova collezione per l’autunno. Now collection sarà ispirata alla spiritualità orientale e a immagini della natura del Nord. L’idea, secondo il brand di Copenaghen, è vivere nel presente, come nella citazione del Buddha: «Non soffermarti nel passato, non sognare il futuro, concentrare la mente su il momento presente». La nuova collezione comprenderà 15 nuove perline in argento sterling, tra cui una testa di Buddha, un ornamento che raffigura Ganesh, uno degli dei della religione Indù. La Cornucopia, Fawn (cerbiatto) e il dente di leone sono fanno parte invece della collezione Foresta nordica. Comprende anche due pendenti in argento per collana: Giant Lotus e Albero della Saggezza,  raffigurante Buddha seduto sotto un albero. Le pietre utilizzate sono lapislazzuli e calcedonio giallo. Giulia Netrese

La prima immagine della nuova collezione Trollbeads
La prima immagine della nuova collezione Trollbeads

ukTrollbeads: autumn with Buddha 

Trollbeads will launch in early September its new collection for autumn. Now Collection is inspired by Eastern spirituality and nature images of the North. The idea, according to the brand of Copenhagen, is to live in the present, as in the quote from the Buddha: “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrates the mind on the present moment.” The new collection will include 15 new beads in sterling silver, including the head of a Buddha, an ornament that depicts Ganesh, one of the gods of the Hindu religion. The Cornucopia, Fawn and the dandelion, instead, are part of the collection  Nordic Forest. It also includes two pendants in silver necklace: Giant Lotus and the Tree of Wisdom, depicting Buddha sitting under a tree. The stones used are lapis lazuli and chalcedony yellow.

france-flagTrollbeads: automne avec Bouddha 

Trollbeads va lancer au début de Septembre sa nouvelle collection pour l’automne. Now Collection est inspirée par des images de la spiritualité  de l’Est et de la nature du Nord. L’idée, selon la marque de Copenhague, est de vivre dans le présent, comme dans la citation de Bouddha: “Ne vous attardez pas dans le passé, ne pas rêver de l’avenir, concentre l’esprit sur ​​le moment présent.” La nouvelle collection comprendra 15 nouvelles perles en argent sterling, y compris la tête d’un bouddha, un ornement qui représente Ganesh, un des dieux de la religion hindoue. La Corne d’abondance, Fawn et le pissenlit, à la place, font partie de la collection de la Forêt nordique. Il comprend également deux pendentifs en argent collier: Géant Lotus et l’Arbre de la Sagesse, représentant Bouddha assis sous un arbre. Les pierres utilisées sont lapis lazuli et calcédoine jaune.

german-flagTrollbeads: Herbst mit Buddha 

Trollbeads wird Anfang September für den Herbst starten die neue Kollektion. Now Collection wird von östlicher Spiritualität und Natur Bilder des Nordens lassen. Die Idee, nach der Marke von Kopenhagen, ist es, in der Gegenwart zu leben, wie es in dem Zitat von Buddha: “In der Vergangenheit verweilen, nicht von der Zukunft zu träumen, konzentriert den Geist auf die Gegenwart.” Die neue Kollektion beinhaltet 15 neue Perlen in Sterling Silber, darunter den Kopf eines Buddha, eine Verzierung, die Ganesh, einer der Götter der Hindu-Religion darstellt. Das Füllhorn, Rehkitz und der Löwenzahn, sondern sind Teil der Kollektion Nordic Wald. Es enthält auch zwei Anhänger in Silber Collier: Riesen Lotus und der Baum der Weisheit, der Darstellung Buddha unter einem Baum sitzt. Die verwendeten Steine ​​sind Lapislazuli und Chalcedon gelb.

flag-russiaTrollbeads: осень с Буддой 

Trollbeads будет запущена в начале сентября свою новую коллекцию на осень. Теперь коллекция вдохновлена ​​восточной духовности и изображений природы Севера. Идея, в соответствии с брендом Копенгагена, это жить в настоящем, как в цитате от Будды: “Не жить прошлым, не мечтать о будущем, концентрирует внимание на данный момент.” Новая коллекция будет включать в себя 15 новых бисером в стерлингового серебра, в том числе главы Будды, украшения, который изображает Ганеша, один из богов религии Хинду.Рог изобилия, Фавн и одуванчика, а не, являются частью коллекции Nordic Forest. Он также включает в себя две подвески в серебряное ожерелье: гигантский лотос и дерево мудрости, изображающие Будды, сидящего под деревом. Камни, используемые являются лазурит и халцедон желтый.

spagna-okTrollbeads: otoño con Buda 

Trollbeads lanzará a principios de septiembre su nueva colección para el otoño. Now  collection se inspira en la espiritualidad  orientales y la naturaleza del Norte. La idea, según la marca de Copenhague, es vivir en el presente, como en la cita de Buda: “No pienses en el pasado, no sueñes del futuro, concentra la mente en el momento presente.” La nueva colección incluirá 15 nuevas cuentas en plata de ley, incluida la cabeza de un Buda, un adorno que representa Ganesh, uno de los dioses de la religión hindú. La Cornucopia, Fawn y el diente de león, en cambio, son parte de la colección Nordic Bosque. También incluye dos colgantes en plata collar: Lotus gigante y el Árbol de la Sabiduría, que representan Buda sentado bajo un árbol. Las piedras utilizadas son lapislázuli y calcedonia amarilla.