Dettaglio della collana in bronzo dorato e smalto
Dettaglio della collana in bronzo dorato e smalto

The snakes of Unoaerre

Poor snakes. These reptiles have a bizarre fate: they are generally hated by women (and also by men), although in the vast majority they are absolutely harmless. Yet, at the same time, women love them. But as long as they are in the form of a jewel. The snake that becomes a bracelet or necklace now also bears the Unoaerre label, an Italian company in the Arezzo district, which traditionally specializes in gold jewelery. In this case, however, the Unoaerre Snake collection is part of the fashion line. And, for this, the jewels are made of gilded bronze.

Collana della collezione Snake
Collana della collezione Snake

The Snake collection is one of the novelties presented for autumn winter 2022. The collection consists of a necklace, bracelet and ring in a beaten curb chain, with a snake in green and black enamel. The necklace, in which the green enamel snake becomes a clasp.

Anello in bronzo e smalto
Anello in bronzo e smalto
bracciale snake 2
Bracciale della collezione Snake
Il bracciale in bronzo dorato e smalto
Il bracciale in bronzo dorato e smalto

Dettaglio della collana in bronzo dorato e smalto
Dettaglio della collana in bronzo dorato e smalto

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