The ten mistakes to avoid with your jewelry. Do not wash too much jewelry, be careful with your engagement ring and … ♦
There are things to not do. For example, mistake the birthday date of your partner, dress up as a mushroom when is carnival or exchange a Tibetan monk for an employee of DHL. Or mistreat your jewelry. In fact there are many mistakes to avoid, and some of this might have harmful consequences on your rings, necklaces or bracelets. Here, then, the 10 mistakes to avoid.
1 Housework. Sweeping, washing dishes, put away the dress; all those activity are enemies of yours jewels. Housework, and more generally manual work, can easily scratch the metal and stones: remember to remove jewelry before starting.

2 Wear every day the same jewel. Ok, you love the engagement ring. But also the ring with diamond needs rest. The metal wear may loosen the set which holds the stone. The risk is of losing the diamond. If you really want to not give up engagement ring, do not wear it all day long.

3 Pearls and perfumes. The pearls, but even the most delicate stones, such as opals, can be damaged in contact with lacquers or aggressive perfumes, not to mention of lipstick or other cosmetic. Do not use them on the parts of the body in contact with these elements. Read also How to clean a delicate jewel

4 Never bath. The shower or, worse, the pool water, are enemies of your jewelry. Chemicals like detergents and disinfectants may irreparably damage the stones and corrode the metal. The water flowing in the long run is an abrasive which eliminates the glossy sheen on the surface of the jewelry, usually induced with the rhodium plating process.

5 Do exercises of memory. It seems incredible, but the number of jewels that are lost is absurdly high. The act of a ring slip off, take off the earrings, a necklace to loose, is often related to transactions that take place at home or at work. Make a habit of storing your jewelry always in the same place, best in a closed box.

6 Beware to the ultrasonic cleaner. A device for cleaning the jewelry that works ultrasonic can be a good idea for anyone who has to regularly keep in order their own bijoux. But it is not recommended for cameos, emeralds, opals, pearls, corals and, more generally, for soft stones. How to clean a delicate jewel

7 Soap is enemy. Periodically clean your jewelry it’s necessary. But clean them too often could be counterproductive. Not only: if rings and necklaces are immersed in a cleaning solution, remember not to keep them in the bathroom too long. Excessive cleaning may tarnish the metal and ruin the stones.

8 Remove slow the ring. When you wear a ring on finger, remember to grab the edges of the circle to remove it, and not force the mount on the stone if it is present. With the passing of time, the pressure on the stone can loosen the jaws or change the ring setting, with the risk to drop the stone. How to remove the ring from the finger

9 Garble necklaces. If you have long necklaces, store them carefully. Better yet, leave them hanging on a hook or in a stand: when a chain is tangled, it is easy fray it when trying to untie the knots. Tip: if this happens, lay the necklace on a plan, do not attempt to untie the knot while it is hanging.

10 No effect sled. Have you ever heard the jingle of bells on a horse-drawn sleigh. It is very pleasant to listen to in the winter or in the countryside. But clinking is not suitable for a woman walking and wearing too much jewelry. Moreover, if the jewelry collide, easily ruin.