Pandora, collezione Zodiaco
Pandora, collezione Zodiaco

Pandora’s zodiac


The zodiac signs seen by Pandora in a new collection of silver charms and cubic zirconia ♦ ︎

What sign is your bracelet? This is the question you can ask whenever jewelry is inspired by the zodiac. And that is the signs that by convention and conviction of the ancients take their name from a constellation (those that even in the past were visible to the naked eye), following the classic order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio , Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Collezione Zodiaco indossata
Collezione Zodiaco indossata

Since Indian astronomers and astrologers have codified this celestial vision a couple of millennia ago, jewelers have also adapted to provide precious elements in the form of icons that refer to the zodiac signs. Last in this millennial list is Pandora, which for autumn 2019 has decided to offer its classic silver and cubic zirconia charm with the shape of the signs used by astrology. It is not known if they also bring good luck. Retail price for each zodiac sign: 39 euros.

Pandora, collezione Zodiaco
Pandora, collezione Zodiaco
Segno dello Scorpione
Segno dello Scorpione
Segno della Vergine
Segno della Vergine
Segno della Bilancia
Segno della Bilancia
Segno del Toro
Segno del Toro
Segno del Sagittario
Segno del Sagittario
Segno del Leone
Segno del Leone
Segno del Capricorno
Segno del Capricorno
Segno del Cancro
Segno del Cancro
Segno dei Pesci
Segno dei Pesci
Segno dei Gemelli
Segno dei Gemelli
Segno dell'Ariete
Segno dell’Ariete

Segno dell'Acquario
Segno dell’Acquario

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