Orecchino della collezione Universe (immagine da Facebook)
Nikos Koulis, orecchino della collezione Universe (immagine da Facebook)

How to wear just one earring

The single earrings, that is, earrings that are worn one at a time. But when can you wear just one earrings? Here are the rules to follow ♦

Large and showy, in burnished brass, gold-plated and with extravagant shapes: they are the earrings that you wear alone. After ear cuffs, ear climbers and asymmetric studs, here’s the idea of ​​wearing different earrings, one or the other. Or, sometimes, just one, and it also combines other trends. But there are also those who suggest to wear cascades of diamonds and platinum from a single lobe, to give a modern touch to high-end jewelry. And if the costs rise with exaggerated dimensions, the solution can be to find a friend with whom to share the shopping. In short, the single chandelier is beautiful especially when you have the same tastes. Here’s how to choose them.

Orecchino della collezione Universe (immagine da Facebook)
Nikos Koulis, orecchino della collezione Universe (immagine da Facebook)

Rule number 1. A tiny mono earring has no reason to exist. Nobody will notice a small ring or a gold button. Above all nobody will notice that the other ear wears nothing.

Rule number 2. A large, showy, shimmering mono earring does not go unnoticed. But with all sincerity, are you sure it’s a good idea to draw attention to your ears? If you have some defect, do not overdo it: in this case it is better to wear normal earrings that are not too evident.

Rule number 3. Before wearing a large earring pay attention to the weight: it must not become annoying for the lobe: it could also cause skin irritation.

Rule number 4. A earring alone not only must have a generous size, but also has an original shape. If you want to wear only one earring, in short, better not to limit yourself to the classic gold ring.

Rule number 5. Choose the earring that best fits the shape of your face. If you have an oval and thin face, it is better not to overdo it with a long and hanging earring, which accentuates this characteristic. If, on the other hand, your face is rounder in shape, a long, hanging earring will serve to streamline the volume. Alessia Mongrando

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