Anello e orecchini della collezione Vendôme indossati
Anello e orecchini della collezione Vendôme indossati

How to wear the stud earrings

Stud earrings: they are back in fashion. Here is how and when to wear the ear studs ♦ ︎

Stud earrings, mon amour. Years pass and the little jewels to be fixed to the lobes never go out of fashion. Indeed, there are those who remember how the icon Jackie Kennedy, although more than 50 years have passed since she was in the White House, is still a teacher of trends. And Jackie often wore button earrings: light, low-profile, discreet. According to the Wall Street Journal, there is a great return of button earrings. Although perhaps the authoritative American newspaper exaggerates when it defines the return of the round earring “the most unexpected new trend in jewelry”.
Who knows if it’s really unexpected. In any case, it is good to know some things about button earrings.

Jackie Kennedy
Jackie Kennedy

Watch your hair. Of course, the stud earrings are elegant and discreet. But it is useless to wear them if your hair covers them completely. If you have very thick and long hair it is perhaps best to choose larger earrings.

Carolina Herrera, Falling Jasmine tiara e orecchino a bottone in argento placcato oro e smalto bianco
Carolina Herrera, Falling Jasmine tiara e orecchino a bottone in argento placcato oro e smalto bianco

When to wear them. The answer is short: always. The stud earrings are perfect for important occasions, for ceremonies, for the evening, combined with the best clothes.

Meghan Markle al matrimonio della principessa Eugenie
Meghan Markle al matrimonio della principessa Eugenie con orecchini a bottone

Careful with nickel. The stud earrings have a larger metal surface in contact with the ears than the ring ones. If you suffer from nickel allergies, make sure that the metal of the earrings does not contain this metal.

Cuori&Frecce, orecchini in argento
Cuori&Frecce, orecchini in argento

The shape of the face. While dangling or circle earrings are better suited to certain particular types of face, button earrings have the advantage of being able to be worn almost by anyone. But it is better to consider the effect of the earrings only if you have particularly large ears and pavilions that are not parallel to the head. In short, who has protruding ears.

Also read: How to choose the earrings 

Orecchini a bottone indossati
Orecchini a bottone indossati

Which earrings to choose. The gold ear studs are the classics, perfect for wearing on work occasions. Those with the pearl are more suitable for official occasions, ceremonies, anniversaries. But there are button earrings also with colored stones, suitable for evenings and cocktails, and with the gold of different colors. Finally, there are those who choose to wear them unpaired, different from one ear to another. It’s a fun idea that adapts to a young look and an unconventional atmosphere.


  1. Davvero bellissimi e sempre eleganti gli orecchini a bottone! Sono da sempre i miei preferiti. Sono felice che siano ritornati così d’attualità. Hanno anche il “plus” di potere essere indossati con facilità anche da quelle donne (ormai poche e solitamente un po’ âgée) che, come me, non hanno mai ceduto alla tentazione di bucare i lobi. Ne possiedo alcune paia che, sebbene nate per chi ha lobi forati, ho potuto adattare facendo semplicemente togliere la “tige” dal gioielliere e facendo aumentare leggermente il serraggio della clip in modo da non rischiare di perderli. L’ampia superficie di appoggio li rende comunque abbastanza confortevoli per una serata elegante, una cerimonia od un appuntamento di lavoro. Trovo sia davvero una soluzione ideale per chi come me apprezza il fascino e la luce degli orecchini pur non indossandoli quotidianamente.

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