Nataliya Bondarenko is playing the most important match in Milan. And it is getting lasted eight years: since the former tennis player of the Russian national team founded Rubeus, a high-end brand, which from the Italian design capital wants to conquer the world.
Rubeus is not only a jewelry brand, but also a fashion and leather goods brand. But with unique pieces sold at a price with five zeros. For bags, for example, Nataliya Bondarenko considers Hèrmes to be a competitor. Indeed, she proposes Rubeus as something more exclusive.
Rubeus has opened a showroom in the center of Milan, in the luxury shopping area. And, in addition to clothes and bags, it also offers jewelry, always of the highest quality. Although Nataliya Bondarenko, in addition to being the founder of Rubeus, is also a designer, for the jewelry collection she has relied on one of the best French creators, Frederic Mané.
The result is a collection of unique pieces that have in common a rare precious stone: alexandrite. It is a rare variety of chrysoberyl, which changes color according to the time of day. Or rather, it appears red when illuminated with artificial light and green when illuminated with sunlight. Rubeus jewels enhance the stone with a design reminiscent of a stellar explosion. And the prices of these jewels are also stellar: an effect that is desired.