La collana Cowdray
La collana Cowdray

Sotheby’s verkauft Cowdray Pearls

Sotheby’s will auction the Cowdray Pearls, a necklace described by the Swiss Gemological Institute as „exceptional“ and deserving of a „special mention of appreciation.“ The sale of this popular piece of jewelry in the auction is expected Magnificent Jewels and Jadeite, in Hong Kong on October 7. The estimated price for the necklace is 4.5 to 7 millions dollars. The necklace is composed of 42 saltwater pearls natural gray, strung and mounted by Cartier. The beads were part of the collection of the Viscountess Cowdray, Lady Pearson, collector of jewelry in England and dead in 1932. The pearls were sold at auction by Sotheby’s in London in 1937. In 2012, however, he was again been put to ‚auction, this time at Christie’s, and sold for 3.35 million dollars, a record price at auction for natural pearl gray. But it should be noted that at that point the series had only 38 pearls, because the family Cowdray had used four to create a pair of earrings, made by Cartier in London. After the auction in 2012, then, the series has been extended with two pearls original, plus two dismounted from another ancient jewel, in order to return the original design of 42 pearls. The earrings have remained at Cowdray family.
The rarity of the series is due to the nature of the pearls. Unlike the pearls cultivated, the most common, the natural pearls are very rare. Oysters with salt water usually produce only one or three pearls, usually white or cream. Why bring together 42 black beads natural salt water is apparently impossible. If you want to see the necklace them before they are purchased by a lucky (and rich) passionate about jewelry, know that the series will be exhibited in Singapore (12 and 13 September), Taipei (19 and 20 September), New York (24 September), London (Sept. 28), Geneva (September 29) and the Middle East (dates to be announced) before the auction in Hong Kong. Federico Graglia

Le perle Cowdray, particolare
Le perle Cowdray, particolare

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